View Full Version : Sleep while taking Citalopram

23-01-12, 06:42
In December I kicked years of insomnia I was over the moon, now since being on Citalopram (for 5 days) I have had nothing but bad sleep. I will sleep for 3 hours at the most before tossing and turning and waking up, then unable to get back to sleep at all!

I can't even nap during the day because I don't feel sleepy. I am yawning all the time. I miss sleeping properly, instead of sitting awake.

How long until my sleep pattern "may" go back to normal?:unsure:

23-01-12, 08:23
Hi there, I'm day 9 on Citalopram. 10mg for 5 days, and 20mg since. I was taking it at t time ( 5pm) but took it in the morning yesterday........I slept all night!! Oh Joy! so maybe depends when you take it. unless last nght was just an unexpected bonus! Although I didnt feel tired when I went to bed, it took me a while to get to sleep, but then slept for 6 hours. that will do. Hope this helps as i know last week when i wasnt sleeping i was exhausted.

23-01-12, 09:06
My doc told me to take it first thing in the morning as that way it is less likely to interfere with sleep. Also it does settle down once your body gets used to it, which can take a couple of weeks.

24-01-12, 07:18
Thanks for the replies.

I have been taking it first thing in the morning, last night I slept a bit better but am up again first thing from tossing and turning myself awake. :mad:

Maybe it's just my body's reaction... fingers crossed for a better night's sleep tonight.

24-01-12, 09:40
Hi there, I'm day 9 on Citalopram. 10mg for 5 days, and 20mg since. I was taking it at t time ( 5pm) but took it in the morning yesterday........I slept all night!! Oh Joy! so maybe depends when you take it. unless last nght was just an unexpected bonus! Although I didnt feel tired when I went to bed, it took me a while to get to sleep, but then slept for 6 hours. that will do. Hope this helps as i know last week when i wasnt sleeping i was exhausted.

Hi I am currently just taking 10mg and need to increase to 20mg. How were your side effects when you made the increase? I have felt so bad this last 2 weeks on 10mg and just starting to get used to them and really don't want to feel as bad as that again!!!!

25-01-12, 20:17
Hi there Sophie,
Apart from not sleeping, i havent had any side effects. Today is day 13 altogether. I'm begining to feel a lot brighter, and havent had a panic attack for 4 days now! I dont want to think about it too much! So i'm just plodding along! hope things work out for you x

25-01-12, 23:49
Well, day6 for me. Its been a bit hard but I am sleeping slightly more now.
Feeling sickly still but not as bad.

26-01-12, 01:48
Sleep disturbance when you first start taking Cit can be a problem & may last a number of weeks. If it remains a problem your gp can prescribe another ad to help. I take 10mg amitriptyline at night to lengthen my sleep, it generally gives me an extra 4hrs. As with most meds you do get side effects with them, dry mouth, feeling hungover but these past after about a week.

Try to address sleep deprivation as in the long run it will hamper your recovery.

Good luck with taking Citalopram, i know its hard to get through the side effects but you will benefit from them soon. I've been on them for 3yrs now & they have been a life saver.
Take care x

30-11-12, 11:15
Hi, I have been taking citalopram for 3 months now and still suffer with bad sleep, however I am getting at least 4 hrs a night. This has definitely been the worse side effect for me, but I have noticed a drastic improvement in my anxiety and depression since taking the tablets :)

11-12-12, 13:29
Hi, I have been taking citalopram for 3 months now and still suffer with bad sleep, however I am getting at least 4 hrs a night. This has definitely been the worse side effect for me, but I have noticed a drastic improvement in my anxiety and depression since taking the tablets :)

This sounds like me! Been on cit for just over a month and the worst side effect is the sleep disturbance. I moved taking my tablet into the evening to help me feel less sleepy in the day (sleepy, but not sleeping!) but it has disturbed my sleep paterns. Think I will go back to taking in the morning as my concentration is minimal with iratic sleep.

11-12-12, 14:34
Been on citalopram for over 5 years, I was on 60mg a day until earlier this year when i had to reduce it to 40mg a day. You are not allowed to take more than 40 mg a day anymore due to heart research.
My sleep is still disturbed but I take pericyazine daily in order to help sleep and occasionaly diazepam if needed.
From my experience taking citalopram in the morning is better for your sleep and anxiety.