View Full Version : So fed up!

23-01-12, 11:27
Have ha flare ups now n again and last few months have been horrible

since thursday i have had back ache..think it was indegestion .. woke this morning have lower back ache and ache in my right leg around my shin.. i have this now and again and im absolutely petrified that the back ache leg ache and tummy ache are some kind of cancer.. my gp treats me like a freak and dont go to her at allabout anxiety so cant ask her what this is. is it possible for the leg/back to have started as a genuine pain but for me to keep getting it now as anxiety because it worried me.. reason i ask is i had a bump in my car nearly a year ago and i remember my shin hurting and back hurting at that time but i cant see a reason for it now, and if i google it its all scary stuff that comes up.. i need this to go as im petrified its something sinister.. really cant cope with this worry much longer
my tummy ache is supposed to be ibs.. tho sometimes i wonder
soz so negative x

23-01-12, 14:44
I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time we know how frustrating it is sometimes you just get so discouraged.
Anxiety makes us overaware of every working in our body so it's possible that you've done some physical damage in the crash and normally you just get on with it but when you're HA is high you're just focussing on it more.