View Full Version : Obsessions

23-01-12, 13:41
Is this another evil of anxiety or is it just me?

I tend to get obsessions about health issues like for example my heart, this is a common one for me. I will obsess that it's too fast/slow/missing beats/flutters. I convinced the gp in the past I had problems and have had ECG's, tests etc but all was fine.
I'm not too bad with this at the moment but the latest thing is blood pressure!
A while back I had a routine blood pressure check which was high and just because the nurse showed concern, it set me off obsessing I had HBP. I wouldn't exercise for the fear of it going too high even though I know exercise lowers it!
Now my GP has asked me to take my own BP on a regular basis on a home monitor but in all honesty I daren't! If it's high I'll just obsess and make it all worse :unsure:
What do I do?

23-01-12, 13:50
It would be best to take a diary of your BP, I know you don't want to but at the end of the day IF and only IF it is HBP then your GP can treat it. It might cause a little anxiety in the short term but it's best to as the doc says and you'll be fine!

23-01-12, 13:58
Its defo another evil of anxiety!
I can fully relate to you on the heart issue i feel the same, worry about every little thing i feel different slow/fast/irregular/fluttering/missed/extra beats/straining any of these set me off!
HBP can be serious and is easily treated as well, dont forget if you were anxious worried or stressed before your appointment with your GP your BP would have risen! I would defo do the monitoring, record the situation your in when you take it as well! i.e if you have just gotten anxious about something take it, or when your totally relaxed watching tv and having that rare moment we all have were we feel great take it then and see if the results are different.
I'm the opposit i have LBP everybody says yeah you have nothing to worry about LBP is good, but thats not it my pulse is always over 100 when it gets taken and my GP has been concerned about LBP with a high pulse rate and has also made me panic and concerned about my LBP!
So i think you maybe just like me worry and over think everything!
Hope all turns out well for you!
Rob x

23-01-12, 16:39
Have you seen the health anxiety part of this board? Oh yes! It's a symptom of anxiety alright. Just naturally jumping to the worst conclusion.. it's all part of the way an anxiety sufferer thinks. I agree with the others, even though you are nervous about it, at least if you do it you'll be able to stop wondering and worrying about the reading you got at the doctors.
All the best!

24-01-12, 11:09
Thanks guys! Well I took it last night and as suspected it was a little on the high side but I expected it to be really seeing as I was anxious about taking it.
Guess I'll just keep on taking it and try not to get too obsessed about it!
Darn anxiety :mad:


24-01-12, 17:00
Once thought if I kept thinking about my heart a lot it might just stop beating, crazy eh?

24-01-12, 18:04
Once thought if I kept thinking about my heart a lot it might just stop beating, crazy eh?

Not crazy at all! I think like that a LOT. I used to think if I thought too much about having a heart attack I'd have one. I've kind of learnt to dismiss those thoughts now though it aint always easy lol

25-01-12, 17:07
I know this feeling well. On a slightly different topic, I'm obssessing about swimming. I decided that I wanted to improve my swimming and now I can't stop stressing and thinking about it. It's sending me mental to be honest! It's not even important!!! So yes, I know it all too well. Hope you feel better :) x