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View Full Version : I'm Sarah - a new member

03-05-04, 17:50
hello everyone!
My name's Sarah and I've been suffering from panic attacks for just under a year. After having my first panic attack, the doctors got it wrong and told me that I'd had an epileptic fit and put me on medication for epilepsy. Needless to say, it didn't help me at all and I felt increasingly scared to leave the safety of my home. It wasn't until my boyfriend and I diagnosed me as having panic attacks that things started to get better. I am on medication, which does help take the edge of the panic. I also see a therapist and use relaxation tapes. I am now able to leave the house and, although I do still get nervous sometimes, I am finally starting to realise that things can get better.
It is websites like these that have made me see that I am not alone and that it is important to offer one anotheer advice!!

03-05-04, 17:54
Hello Sarah,

Welcome to the site.

Kate x

03-05-04, 18:02
Hiya Sarah

Welcome to the site!!
Im glad you have finally diagnosed youself as having panic and not had what the doctor said 'epileptic fit'. Doctors have no idea sometimes do they?
Im glad things are on the up for you. You seem to be pretty positive about it now you know what you are dealing with.
Have a good look round, this is a great site.
Welcome aboard

love sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

03-05-04, 18:07
Hi Sarah

Welcome to the site? Was it you that we chatted to and got you confused with the other Sarah we have on here? Sorry about that. I bet you wondered why all these men kept calling you "sexy" lol. ;)

Anyway, welcome aboard. I am glad to hear that you have now sorted out the medication and realised what is wrong. My doctor told me for 2 years that it was a bit of stress and to change my diet!

You are doing all the right things with relaxation tapes and seeing the therapist so keep all those positive things.

We look forward to hearing from you some more. :)


03-05-04, 18:14
Hi Nic,

Yes, it was me you were chatting with last night when you got me confused with the other Sarah. I have changed my profile to Sarah (the new one)!! no more mix-ups hopefully!
I love your site - have just sent you a pic of me you can add on!!

Sarah xxx

03-05-04, 19:11
Hi Sarah

I have added the pic already :-) (www.nomorepanic.co.uk/pictures.htm). Thanks for that.

Thanks - I am glad it has helped you - I am sure you will find loads of help in here too.
