View Full Version : ovarian cancer :( AGAIN!

23-01-12, 17:07
I'm worrying about this dreaded silent killer once again.

I have had pains on and off in my pelvis and abdomen for momths now and have been too scared to have it checked.
I am slightly fatter than I was a year ago - put on nearly a stone (eek!) and one of the symptoms of OC is bloatedness/unexplained and considerable weight gain.
I'm also always very gassy but the only thing that differs from the symptoms for me is I never feel 100% full and I'm always hungry.

I'm so scared I wont have caught it until the later stages and that its spread already and I've only got months to live :(

23-01-12, 17:36

Before feeling bad about it, think about what type of diet you had in the year. Those symptoms you are mentioning are common with almost all digestion problems. Gaining weight also can be because of thyroids working a bit slower. Also abdominal pain (all parts of abdomen) is common in excessive gas and poor digestion. IBS has symptoms like moderate to severe abdominal pain and losing/gaining weight can occur depending on how people react to IBS.

But just get the courage to visit doctor before diagnosing yourself. It could be something very simple. You will feel yourself better after getting good news from doctor, and it's worth it. Have someone with you when visiting doctor, it may calm you.

23-01-12, 18:46
My mum was diagnosed in 2005 with advanced ovarian cancer, this I believe is the reason for my HA.

Her symptoms were indigestion, severe bloating which didn't go over night she looked 7 months pregnant, having to rush to the loo for both a wee and a poo, feeling sick, tummy cramps and back pain. She also was out of breath and exhausted doing normal daily tasks.

Ovarian cancer is rare in young people, it tends to occur in postmenopausal woman so 45+.

As my GP knows I panic he gives me a yearly CA125 which is a chemical given off by ovarian cancer. If over 30 indicates something COULD be wrong. The trouble with this test is it can be high in benign condition such as endometriosis or inflammation. I also have a pelvic ultrasound.

Your symptoms most likely are anxiety and IBS, for your own peace of mine ask your GP for a CA125 or an ultrasound.

I was just as scared as you this time last year esp with my mums history but my Dr gave me the tests. I am now worried about a brain tumour, my HA is sky high again.

Hope I have helped a bit.

23-01-12, 23:01
I'm really sorry to hear about your mum.

The thing is all the symptoms you're describing except the 7 month pregnant stomach is me.
I'm so scared now.
I'm 22 and no family history of this disease.
I'm also on the pill which I've read lowers the risk of it occuring.

My gp surgery has this new stupid thing now due to the influx of people. When you call up you have to tell them your symptoms via phone and they assess if youre ill enough to be seen. in that case I'm pretty screwed and not sure how to put it over the phone!

23-01-12, 23:57
Aw please do not worry yourself too much :/

I have all these symptoms except of feeling toilet urge and extreme fatigue, and I do not even think of ovary cancer. For me, you are definitely describing some sort of digestion problem, if not IBS.

You said you were scared of catching OC at a very late stage and already spread around, let me tell you this, if it was like that you supposed have tons of other different severe symptoms, not just the OC ones.

And besides Jakesmummy told it's a rare type of cancer for younger ages. You are just 22 :) Of course it's the hardest to convince oneself (I say this to myself first) but if you don't have any cancer history in family, in your age, it's rarest of the rare. Think that way.
Please feel better soon.