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View Full Version : brain overload, worried i'm in trouble

23-01-12, 17:37
but my brain is doing overtime

this morning i took the kids to school in the car, we passed a local primary school on the way, the road is a main road really busy with a padestrian crossing, the parents cars were parked all over the place in the road, over the zig zags by the padestrian crossing, making it hard for cars to pass through easily, well traffic was passing tightly both ways, a car in front of me was going about 25mph zoomed through the tight space and knocked a wing mirror back hard on a badly/illigally parked car and carried on, as the gap was quite tight and i was looking at the car speeding off i then clipped 'my' wing mirror lightly on the same car at about 15mph, causing my own mirror to crack off and some mums were standing looking at me,(my mirror was already cracked and held on with tape so loose anyway) i was going to stop but i thought ' i dont want the blame for that', i was going to stop but there was no space so i casually drove on, now i have been paniking all day that someone took my number plate (as i was going slow) i was happy to admit what i had done but thought im going to get the blame for the whole thing..i dropped my kids off at school and drove back past, but there was just broken mirror parts on the floor and no car/people...i just feel bad even though i didnt exactly do much, i just felt a bit 'framed' and a worried now, i do look hard into things and think too much..if i done any damage to the already damaged mirror it would have been minimal im sure...

23-01-12, 18:50
You should have stopped, if you hit the other car hard enough to knock your own wing mirror off, you could have dented or scraped it somewhere. Even lightly hitting another car can scratch their paintwork. It is actually also illegal to drive off after an accident.

What you should do is go back tomorrow and see if you find the cars owner, tell them you didnt knock the mirror off, but check for any other damage you may have caused, and offer to pay for fixing it.

Chances are that there isnt really anything that won't polish out easily, but that isn't really the point.

23-01-12, 18:56
Oh hun dont worry about it, i have done that a load of times over the years, i have also had my car hit a zillion times and no one has ever stopped to let me know, what goes around comes around lol

The car shouldnt have been parked there, so if some busy bod has taken your number plate then the car you hit will have to admit they were parked on a school crossing and parked with their car out in the road.

Balls to them is what i say. :)

23-01-12, 19:16
Nice attitude, the mirrors on my car cost £65 a time to get resprayed, and I have to pay that out of my pocket when someone hits them, and no, I have never hit anyone elses car and driven off !

23-01-12, 19:18
I dont really care tbh, park your car close the the curb correctly and dont block the road and i wont hit them :)

23-01-12, 19:21
Hmm, well that wouldn't stand up either in law or for an insurance claim, no matter how or where cars are parked, its your responsibility not to hit them ! and if you can't get through a gap, then wait until you can.

Sorry, its something that does annoy me, I work hard to pay for my nice cars, and when someone hits them and just thinks thats perfectly OK ( when they are parked legally and properly ! ) and I have to pay to get them fixed it does get to me.

23-01-12, 19:24
Yeh it annoys me too when my car gets hit, but at the same time i wouldnt lose any sleep over hitting a mirror when some idiot has parked in a stupid place blocking my way.

24-01-12, 14:33
I wouldnt worry too much if the car was parked illegally. but a note on the windscreen would have been an idea. dont over analyse it im sure you didnt do it on purpose :)

24-01-12, 15:43
If you park illegally and are an obstruction - and potential danger - to other motorists, then it's your own lookout if someone knocks your mirror off. I see this kind of parking all the time and it drives me mad.
I certainly wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

24-01-12, 16:56
Life's too short to worry about car door mirrors. They should have known better to park where all the mums are driving, bound to get hit.:)