View Full Version : Got blood results back totally freaking out.

23-01-12, 17:42
Got my bloods back and the dr says these are abnormal but not to worry as they vary alot!!!

low white blood cell count and low lymphocytes

Now I'm freaking out I have cancer or something.

Lele x

23-01-12, 18:14
If the doctor isn't worried then you shouldn't be to be honest.

Did he say he would do them again in a few days/weeks/months?

23-01-12, 18:33
don'tworry if was something wrong you would be having further tests.

23-01-12, 18:48
Just said I can get them retested if I want??

Lele x

24-01-12, 00:09
Blood tests vary , like if you just had a cold or sore throat ect then your body would have more white blood cells in it, because of an infection, it cud come back completely fine next tym if a viral infection or anything had cleared up, x

24-01-12, 10:04
Hey ... I had a low white blood cell count at the peak of my anxiety - stress can cause low WBC. My doctor didn't even point it out to me till I saw the results flash red on screen at my next visit. I asked to get retested (I was feeling better then) and the results came back absolutely fine. Take care.

24-01-12, 13:38
Thanks guys my drs pretty useless so I'm just scared she's missing something. I don't remember feeling ill when the bloods were taken. I googled and it said the body is fighting a bad infection. What if it's cancer or something.

Lele x

24-01-12, 13:40
Had my bloods done last Tuesday.....the doctor hasn't contacted me yet....the nurse said 5 working days for results. Do they call us or just wait until you next see them?

24-01-12, 15:19
I called them

24-01-12, 23:56
Almost any symptom that you Google will result in some result saying you might have cancer. I think for many of us, we get so worried thinking "what if" that we can't make ourselves think in terms of what is the most likely cause for the symptom. It's far more likely that you don't have cancer and your symptoms are caused by something much less serious. Sounds like your immune system is doing just what it's supposed to do, fighting an infection.

25-01-12, 00:28
really useless or not he/she would have noticed if there was something to worry about.

leave google alone when it comes to your health. really. It will just make you think theres something wrong with you that isnt there.

25-01-12, 09:11
Thanks, I hope so, just wish I didn't know this. 😔

27-01-12, 09:56
Well said Dan..although my symptoms remain, my anxiety is slightly better due to not searching on the net anymore. The net is EVIL! lol.

I'm sure everything is fine, trust your doc and don't worry.

Cell block H fan
27-01-12, 10:19
Google is your worst enemy. Before the net I used to go through a health encyclopedia all the time, the same bad idea.
It's almost unheard of for a doctor to have blood test results sat in front of them & ignore them if further investigation needs doing. They train for years to do their job.
I think googling health symptoms must be an addiction at times because people know that doing that is bad for their health, but can't seem to stop doing it.

27-01-12, 15:44
I'm just so scared!! You read these drs mis things all the time? Just really scared!!!

Lele x

27-01-12, 22:10
Doctors miss things sometimes, but a blood test really speaks clearly and not only does the dr recognize a strange result, but also the lab computer highlights the values that are above or over normal, so the doctor for sure takes a look at them. There are so many individual variations, but trust me - the doctors recognize blood cancer. It is very easy to see.
I don't know so much about lymphocytes, but another white bloodcell, the neutrophils, should be between 2 and 8 to be normal, well my son always has between 0,8 and 1,8, so never over the minimum for normal, but that is just the way he is, it has been so for years now and it does not affect his health. And his thrombocytes should be 150-300, they went down to 10 and that was dangerous, but once they got up to 30-40 again the doctors were less worried. And 30-40 is far below the minimum. So "normal" is just a number...

27-01-12, 22:21
Thank u Justina, the lab wrote on the sheet abnormal but the dr said i can get them retested if I wish...

Lele x