View Full Version : Citalopram and pregnancy?

23-01-12, 19:27
Sorry if this has been done before - I can't work out how to search!
Does anyone have any experience or advice on taking citalopram throughout pregnancy? I know it's not advised, and the leaflet says not to take it if planning a pregnancy.
The problem is that before I had a meltdown, my partner and i had been trying for a long time to start a family. This had had to take a back seat whilst I got back on an even keel, but I'm wondering when to start trying again. I've only been on the cit 7 weeks so can't even think about coming off it, but say (and its a long shot) I did get preggers, would I have to come off it?
Any help from the ladies gratefully received!

23-01-12, 20:07
Hi there,

I can tell you what my experience is - of course I am in Canada, so things may not be exactly the same in terms of prescribing or recommendations, as they are in the UK (assuming that's where you are?).

I did not take citalopram during pregnancy as this anxiety is new to me and developed postpartum (when my babe was about 3 months old). BUT, I started taking this medication in particular as my dr is most comfortable prescribing this SSRI for use while breastfeeding which was important for me to continue doing. I know here it is one of the first choices for a breastfeeding mother in terms of SSRI.

As for during pregnancy, my younger sister has been on citalopram for a few years, and like you she wanted to try to get pregnant. She has been at 40mg for some time, so in preparation to try to get pregnant her dr suggested lowering to 20 mg so she would be on a lower dose should she become pregnant. She has been at 20 mg now for several months. I don't know if the thought was that she would eventually come off them throughout the pregnancy, but to be honest I doubt that was the plan.

I really hope this helps and all the best to you!

23-01-12, 21:42
Thanks for that - I am on 20mg already, and I won't be rushing into anything until my head's straight...well it's been 2 years and nothing's happened so it's unlikely to happen any time fast!

23-01-12, 22:37
My friend is due her first baby in four weeks at the age of 45! She has been on citalopram for years and gradually reduced throughout her pregnancy. I'm not sure how she did the reduction or if she is completely off them now but I'm overdue to phone her so when I find out I'll let you know.

I do know she plans to go back on them after the baby is born.


23-01-12, 22:51
my cousin took 40mg of citalopram right through her pregnency and her baby is a beautiful 18 months old little girl xx

Cathy xx

24-01-12, 16:31
Thanks - that's reassuring!:)

10-02-12, 16:02
I had a baby in 2009 and like you I was concerned about being pregnant whilst taking Citalopram (20mg) but I was absolutely fine and baby was too. Also, my anxiety levels were great while I was pregnant. I felt wonderful. Strange

13-02-12, 11:45
Hey, i am 32 weeks pregnant and when i found out i was pregnant i came off the citalopram...recently these past 6 months ive had nothin but problems so the doc put me back on them 5 weeks ago, i started off on 10mg for the first months and now am on my 6th day of 20mg.... my councellor/midwife advised these are fine to be on whilst pregnant as 20mg is the starting dose xx