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23-01-12, 21:06
i found what i thought was a breast lump a couple of weeks ago and my gp said it wasnt a definate lump and nothing to worry about but i have to go back after my period anyway my period still hasnt come as they are erratic but i did notice the lump shrink and go flatter mid cycle but now my periods due and its swelled back up has anyone one else experienced this my boobs are very painful at the moment because im due my period x

23-01-12, 21:18
Hi. Mine definitely get lumpier when my period is due. If your lump was anything to worry about and it isnt it wouldnt change at all. My mom had bc and amazingly and i dont know why but its one thing i dont worry about so can be rationale when i check my boobs. And i can say as i have got older and my periods more erratic they are getting lumpier. I maybe taking this all back next week and bc will be my fixation! But go back to the gp have it rechecked and then just note it when you do your "normal not obbsesive" checks x

23-01-12, 22:36
One thing I learnt is not to pull your fingers across your breast when examining them as this means you feel all the fat cells which feel just like lumps - can do the same on any fatty area of body unless you are a stick insect. Breast consultants always push down with pads of their fingers when examining you bit like playing the piano!

The fact your breasts are painful is a very good sign as its almost certainly hormonal.

23-01-12, 23:06
the lump went flat and blended in with the rest of my breast tissue then i remembered my period was due and my breast felt uncomfortable and the lump is there again x

23-01-12, 23:25
I experienced it 3 times in my right breast and they were quite big. I was young though, around 19. The third time I went in to the same doctor's office I remember him saying "what the hell are you doing here again!" :)

Anyways, doctor gave me some basic hints about the breast structure, and how a dangerous and a non-serious lump should be.

He said to me, if it has a smooth surface, regular round shape and slightly bigger, not getting any bigger in short time and if it makes some pain, it is usually a regular wen (I don't know what it is called technically) or lump. These usually take 2-3 weeks minimum to get healed totally.

If it doesn't have a proper shape and a smooth surface, if it gets bigger quickly and makes NO PAIN, one has to get it checked immediately.

23-01-12, 23:46
it shrank mid cyce to nothing its only cos im due on that its swelled back up

24-01-12, 00:15
Its very common to have cysts appear, with your hormones, as ive experienced it, i went t the doctor with an obvious lump and it was just a cyst, x believe your doctor ir you will make ursel ill.

24-01-12, 10:04
thanks for your replies ive always been terrified of lumps and was so happy when it shrank but now its come back this period im panicking again although anything serious wouldnt react to hormones i cant stop worrying x

25-01-12, 10:19
my period started yesterday and i think it shrinking again it defo feels smaller x