View Full Version : Asthma, Anxiety or both?

23-01-12, 23:50
I have very mild asthma (i use my inhailer once a year if that and am on no daily meds for it). I have very VERY severe anxiety, the type where if i feel something remotely wrong with me i drive straight to the ER, crying the entire way. I'm constantly checking my breathing.

My question is this. I'm not wheezing, but my chest feels heavy and tight. I'm not coughing, and my peak flow range is usually 450 to 500, right now im doing about 470. I feel like I cant breathe but my peak flow is fine and im not coughing..

can anyone help me and tell me if this is just a cold setting in, anxiety, or asthma?

I know i should know myself but i'm not sure if ive ever even had a real asthma attack.

Thank you!

24-01-12, 00:42
I have had tight and heavy chest a lot during anxiety attacks, but I can not say anything about asthma attacks since I never experienced any :O

But chest feelings (tight and heavy, short of breathing) is quite common with anxiety sufferers. Try to keep calm for a while and see if it has any change. Sorry I know nothing about asthma :(

Hope you feel well so soon

24-01-12, 02:00
thank you :)