View Full Version : Chest pains from acid reflux.?

24-01-12, 06:13
So I am now 35. When I was 32 I started getting chest pains that I was scared of, so much so I checked myself into an ER. Told them I was having dull throbbing pains in my chest. I was immedieatley admitted. They ran an ekg and did blood work. They said I was not having a heart attack. The Dr said it was acid reflux. I was set up with a specialist and GERD was confirmed. I can not take anything for it because I have a very sensitive system and the side affects were severe. A year later same thing happened, again I went to ER I told Dr this had happened and they confirmed acid reflux. He ran tests and again negative for heart issues and I was released for acid reflux. 6 months later again but with arm numbness and left side of face. Dr said acid reflux and gave me a drink to prove it, said it would be gone till morinig. Did NOT work. 5 months later again, then 3 months. So its been like a time clock counting down. A specialist once told me it could be a clogged artery but they couldnt check that. I am now down to about every month with side effects, like tired, disorientation, extreme fatigue. Now tonight its been a week solid of this pain and now I have no insurance. My family is known for diabetes and my father had a heart attack at 40 completely unexplained. After heart attack Dr said heart disease, he has had 2 more since then. Even the Dr said my father is the last person he would have guessed, eats well, very fit, and active, non smoker or drinker. Anyone else have acid reflux and have this goin on..?:unsure: Pain is on left side close to center about even with nipple and is shooting pain. To me I am thinking its when artery is clogged and it pushes through. I am not a Dr though.

24-01-12, 07:12
Hi House - I joined this group tonight, well early morning here in the uk looking for the latest info regards a heart issue I have. To get to the point I thought I would sign up and check todays 'posts' and yours was top of the page...I read it and it made me smile. Smile because I too have exactly the same pain in the same place and before you link it to what I previously said relating to my heart I have been told and know it to be a fact it IS my stomach. I have suffered from reflux/GERD for approx 15 years now. It started with with mild pain no more than anyone who would suffer from over acidity in their stomach. It then went to reflux and then onto more severe pain left of centre, breastbone and slightly into the breast area (female)!
The pain was soooo bad one night my chest went tight I mean ext. tight it got painful to breathe and that caused a breathless sensation. I thought 'oh my word, that's it I'm dying and I was only 30! The paramedics came out, hooked me up did their ecg's saw I was tachi. (but told me that it was only sinus tachycardia due to the stress of what I was going through) anyway to help put my mind at rest they sent me to our local heart specialist hospital (I was lucky that I lived in the right area right time). Once there I had all sorts of tests by specialists just to see if there was an underlying heart issue not picked up on via the ecg recorder in the ambulance. I had the enzyme test as well for heart attack...neg.
Now I can only tell you what I was told 'Pain from the stomach gets transfered along the same nerve roots that service the heart, deferred pain they called it. This pain can be ext intense, cause the chest to tighten, cause breathing to become shallow due to pain, and pain can also be sent up the neck and into the arms and neck. This pain can originate in the esophagus were the acid has eaten into it causing it to have painful spasm's the vagus nerve gets iritated by the acid/food bulk and causes more sensitivity arround the heart itself' now that all came from heart specialists...not just run of the mill cardio's either!
I get loads of pain,dreadful pain from the stomach/chest and arm area still from my stomach. I have the camera down the throat years ago when all this started and it only found that I had 'sore' places in the stomach tissue and the esophagus. The pain also goes into my back, between the shoulder blades and can last for hours at a time, days at a time making it very painful to eat I guess this is the same for you? I'm sorry if I went on a bit - but I wanted to see if what I experience is the kind of response you were looking for? I can also add that I also now have gallstones and they hurt even more and I've had those for nearly as long as the stomach pain. In fact it was the stomach pain that prompted them to ultrasound my stomach area for any other reasons for the pain that continued despite the usual stomach meds the dish out as standard at the doctors. I get the pain even when I don't eat and this too is normal I've been told it is just worse approx 40mins to 1 hour after eating - is this the same for you?