View Full Version : Howdy, I'm newly diagnosed and looking for advice/tips

24-01-12, 11:39
I’ve just been diagnosed with IBS after going to the doctor three times in two months. I’m scared, and I'd love some advice. I've been reading through all the threads trying to find someone similar to me. Think I must have had it longer as the symptoms have been around for a while, but i always put it down to diet or not really noticed not going to the loo for a day or two. Just a part of life or something. Its been getting worse and that’s when I went to the doc.

Sorry, my symptoms (I'm sure you've heard it all before0
Pain and bloating. Constipation. Bloating gets worse after eating. My skinny jeans are now at the back of the wardrobe. They’ll be out of fashion by the time I work out how to stop this belly. It looks like a food baby. Or as if I'm pregnant or something.

Someone mentinoed to rule out certain foods, but the ones to avoid is like reading a list of fave things to eat and drin...?!. Have been told to keep a food diary. The pain is probably gas, so fizzy drinks will be the first thing to take out I guess. Don’t really want to rule things out that I’m not allowed to eat. Where’s the fun in that? Plus I love cooking and my boyfriend loves all sorts of food, so I don’t want to have to make two meals a night. What if it’s something really basic, like tomatoes or onions – most of my cooking starts off with that!

I read something on allergyuk forum about the York test. Has anyone tried that? Is it just for allergies or intolerances ? It’s not like I come out in a rash or can’t breathe when I eat, just horrible bloating. Have tried Colpermin but it just made the bloating worse. That can’t be right surely?!

I've been prescribed Colofac. But I've not really had any change. Any advice on the bloating side of things would be nice.

24-01-12, 11:41
Hi nicfcuteypie

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-01-12, 12:38
Thank you :bighug1:

24-01-12, 15:40
hi, ive had IBS for about 10 years, where i used to pass out with the pain, in the last two years I have finally been prescribed anti spasmodic medication which on the whole is working, i try and avoid spicy foods, google fodmap diet, you will find it interesting,it lists many foods to avoid, although what one person can eat another may not tolerate it, also Ive found drinking probiotic drinks and eating a probiotic yoghurt a day has helped me enormously, a good read is IBS for dummies, hope this helps, i know IBS can make you depressed, take care

03-02-12, 15:06
I've been hearing a lot about probiotics recently. A mate sent an article that was in the Daily Mail last year talking about one that had been proven to work. Can't remember name right now. I'll have to google it.

Are tehre any cases where IBS just goes away??


05-02-12, 20:46
Hi, Just passing on some advice. Hope this helps you. Try replacing milk with soy milk to prevent bloating and discomfort. X

06-02-12, 12:17
WhichCancerThisTime - that's great advice about hte skinny jeans!! Thank you!!!

Caroline-J, I'll try that too.

I've found the article now... has anyone heard of this? DOes it really work?: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2067322/So-nonsense-Probiotic-drinks-tame-irritable-bowels.html

I've had so much advice from people on other forums and on Twitter, but I want to try something that actually works, which isn't tonnes of medication and painkillers and all that rubbish.