View Full Version : Diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation

24-01-12, 15:38
Dear All,

Atrial Fibrillation

Earlier this month I had to spend a night in hospital to control a very irregular heartbeat.

I had a number of tests done while in hospital including a number of ECGs, an ultrasound of my heart and overnight monitoring of my heart rate and rhythm.

The cardiologist explained to me that I was experiencing atrial fibrillation and may require a treatment called cardioversion where the heart is treated with an electric shock to reset the rhythm. However, I was treated with medication to begin with (Amiodarone) and fortunately my heart returned to its natural rhythm without the need for cardioversion.

I was released from hospital and prescribed Slozem 120mg (Diltiazem Hydrochloride) which I take daily.

Before all of this happened, I had been struggling with Health Anxiety for as long as I can remember. With the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation I am questioning my anxiety and asking myself whether my symptoms up to this point have been caused by the heart.

I'm now neurotic about my heart; its rhythm, the pulse rate and how it behaves every second of every minute of the day. I'm exhausted with the worry of it all and I feel lost. I'm terrified to read anything online about the condition and am questioning what could have triggered it?

My GP has told me I will receive a letter referring me to see the cardiologist in a few months. Until then I am living a daily nightmare wondering if and when my heart will experience an episode of atrial fibrillation again and each day I feel like I am descending deeper into a dark place filled with panic, apprehension and sadness.

I apologise for the long post, but I am feeling desperately worried and unable to cope with the prospect of a life observing an unpredictable heart.

I would be grateful for feedback from other members who have come to terms with this or other diagnoses, particularly those who have discovered ways to deal with something similar.

All comments welcome :)


24-01-12, 17:00
I was diagnosed with AF in 2009. I have had 3episodes since then. After seeing the Cardiologist I now have pills I can take at home when I have a bout of AF. It stops after about and hour.
There is an organisation called Afibbers and if you look on their website there is some very sensible advice and nothing scary.
I still feel anxious about my heart but am not so bad now I can treat it myself at home.

24-01-12, 17:08
Hi Mirabelle,

Thank you for replying. I will check the afibbers site.

Can I ask if you know what caused your AF to develop?


24-01-12, 17:34
My mum has AF, she had the cardioversion treatment, but her heartbeat stayed irregular.. Shes had it many years (20+), and takes warfarin daily...
But yours went back to regular without even the cardioversion, so thats good.. you have to try not worrying about it so much... Did you not ask the doctor what may have caused yours? I wont go into my mums causes, as dont want you worrying about things that im sure you wont have !

24-01-12, 17:42
Thank you stormsky. I hope your mum is ok.
The cardiologist had no idea, he called it lone AF.

24-01-12, 17:46
No reason to think it will re occur then... and youve got an appt with cardio coming, so they can reassure you im sure...

24-01-12, 19:28
Thank you Stormsky x

24-01-12, 20:00
My dad had AF and had the surgery you are talking about. He is absolutely fit as a fiddle and it's not serious. It's annoying and uncomfortable more than anything else but you will be fine.

24-01-12, 23:22
The cardiologist said there was no cause he could identify. I am seeing my GP to ask for a surgical ablation which can prevent it happening again.

25-01-12, 10:06
Thanks Mirabelle. Let me know how you get on x