View Full Version : Stiff/achey upper back/shoulders/neck..

24-01-12, 16:13
Do other people suffer with this a lot? I have it every day at the moment.

24-01-12, 17:03
Yes always constant stiff/achey upper back and my left shoulder is alway stiff and achey (runs down the outside of my arm down to my little finger) must be a nerve thing.

I have tried everything got one of them space age beds a bit better where a shoulder posture brace as most of my aches come from bad posture.

A cheap way to help you stiffness in you neck and back is to help correct your posture by using a make shift posture brace.

Get a old tee-shirt and put it on and then bring the front back over your head so your arms are still in the tee-shirt but the front and back is behind you neck. (hope you understand that)

You will feel your posture get better and the stiffness go:yesyes:

24-01-12, 17:24
Trigger Point massages can be really helpful for this, although I appreciate not everyone can afford them. I have osteoathritis in my neck and a bulging disc which traps the nerves and gives me muscle spasms, aching. Sometimes points of tight muscles in our shoulders and neck can lead to pain elsewhere. I have found them helpful. Also I have found a proper support pillow helpful for night time and sleeping. I forget what they are called - memory foam I think :)

25-01-12, 13:26
Wow thank you both of you.. xtremx I'll have to try out the t shirt posture brace! I know my posture is appauling at times! =/

25-01-12, 19:49
Agree with the people above.
Yes i have pain/slight discomfort there all the time. My posture is pretty bad to haha x

25-01-12, 20:15
Wow thank you both of you.. xtremx I'll have to try out the t shirt posture brace! I know my posture is appauling at times! =/

Hope it helps (just a money saving tip),

Bad posture is a killer for me. I cannot get comfy bought nice big sofas but never can relax as my posture has been so bad for years.

I get comfy and my chest locks-up so i have to crack my chest (like cracking knuckles) and that is painfull leaves me sore for hours. Wish I could get it sorted out as it really has a effect on my day to day life (but age old thing it costs money).

So if you hear of any tips let me know:shades:

25-01-12, 20:16
Same here... Bad posture and I'm always having constant neck, back and shoulder stiffness!! I start physical therapy for it next week because it's just getting worse. :(

16-04-14, 16:46
Im having those same symptoms! My doc gave me some muscle relaxers because with my anxiety im all ways tensed like i curl up in a ball or something! They seem to relax me and make me sleepy!