View Full Version : Worst hospital appointment ever!!

24-01-12, 16:14
So this morning I had an appointment to see a consultant at hospital. It wasn't my regular one it was one I had previously seen in triage a few weeks ago when I had my fast heart rate..

Anyway she walks in the room and goes oh you still look very nervous, I think you should chill out and calm down. I was just like she did this in triage and it made me feel like shit and it has again today. Like I am calm but then as soon as she says that it makes me think what's up with me kind of thing?.

No one likes hospitals at the end of the day. And sorry about being abit nervous around someone who previously made me feel like shit in triage..

She knows I have OCD so obviously this heart rate thing has been put down to anxiety in her eyes and it feels like she is just judging me and passing me off as 'mental health' issue case.

OH then thinks it's funny to join in and go oh yeah I think you should chill out too, you just worry about the slightest thing. That then pisses me off because OH couldn't know anything less about my mental health..

Then the Dr turns round and goes ' you don't need medication, you know. You can stop it all by chilling out'. That really annoyed me then so I just turned around and went ' Yeah that's easy to say, but I have had this problem for 9-10 years and it hasn't got better. We tried all that CBT,physcatricst etc but medication is the only thing that calms it down'

It just feels so belittling to be told things like that and to be told to 'chill out' when you are calm!

I don't know if it's hormones but it has really upset me. It kind of feels like being bullied I guess. She knows I have anxiety so she just picks at that then thinks it's okay to tell me all this crap about chilling out.

Another thing we spoke about was I couldn't get on a tour of the hospital to see the labour suite. So I asked her if there was anything she could do to help me get on it. She was like oh I will just explain it and basically taken the piss. By going 'oh the walls are white, I don't know what colour the floor is, and we all wear scrubs there'

Sorry about the rant

24-01-12, 16:21
your doc is shit! you poor thing.....ive been so lucky to have seen 2 understanding docs at the new practice.....
what a patronising cow she sounds....I would change docs immediatly.
I use to have a crap doc...never listened to me,never helped with genuine health problems (not the ones I snowball in my head,lol) .....decided enough was enough and changed.....never looked back!

24-01-12, 16:26
Unfortunately you do get some Doctors that are clueless idiots. Fortunately these tend to be just about in the minority.

At my GP's i will see one doctor and one doctor only as she is the only one in the practice understanding of my situation.

I think you should change doctors to one you're more comfortable with.

24-01-12, 16:42
Ahh I can't change Dr's as it's a consultant at hospital for my pregnancy. The main issue being my mental health why I go and why they wanted to keep an eye on me :shrug:

I'd rather not go if that's how I'm made to feel when I do go.

Just very belittling and upsetting at the same time I guess. If I was able to just 'chill out and calm down' and that would solve all my problems then it wouldn't of carried on for the past 9-10 years. If only everything was that easy!! x

24-01-12, 16:56
Katie, you can ask to be under a different Dr at the hospital. They usually have more than one. Talk to your midwife and tell her how you were made to feel.
You don't have to put up with that treatment

24-01-12, 20:39
I will do. It's not the best.

At the end of the day I was going there for something completely different to my Health anxiety and OCD. But she turned it into I was just extremely anxious what no other doctor has done or midwife!

I couldn't of felt calmer I know when I'm panicking because I hyper-ventilate and burp in air.

I guess I just felt a bit bullied to be honest it was almost like she was laughing at me. And espically when I asked about the hospital ward as I couldn't get on a tour and she said oh i'l explain it then turned it into a big joke going 'oh the walls are white, the floor I don't know what colour it is and we wear scrubs'

I'm sure like anyone else here with HA we get anxious around hospitals and the equipment. And for someone to joke about it or mimic you makes you feel about 1ft small! x

24-01-12, 21:12
eww what a sarcastic cow....obviously in the wrong job and takes it out on the people who need compassion the most!
I had a traumatic time with the radiographer once (Im going back 12 years now!) .....ridiculing me because i wouldnt pull my pants down to my knees whilst she scanned my stomach......there was just no need to have my privates on show ,Im sure she got a kick out making me feel uncomfortable...any questions I asked about my baby were met with really abrupt, callous answers...you could tell she actually hated her job
.....and afterwards when I asked how much for the baby scan photo...she said "£5 pounds please" and stuck her hand out......
i swear to god,I left that hospital in tears.....
I later rang the hospital and after being told that they never ask for a set amount of money for scan pictures...it was a 'donation',I put a complaint in about her.Nobody has a right to make you feel so small.....
Nursing is supposed to be a caring profession and thankfully Ive only ever met one or two who'd be more suited to working in a prison camp.

24-01-12, 21:39
Yeah she clearly is!.

I think they do, the more you feel on edge the more they feel smug!. That's awful what happened to you it's supposed to be an enjoyable time seeing your baby not dampened by an absolute arse!. I never got asked to pull my pants down to my knees it's always been down to bikini line with tissue tucked into my knickers!

That's so naughty that she told you a set amount when it's a donation and £5 for a scan picture that is awfully expensive!.

Did anything happen to her?.

Very true I think she would be most suited to doing another job or go to her perfect world where no one suffers!

But seriously how nice would it be if we could all just 'chill out' and that would be the end of out anxiety!. If only things was that easy! x

24-01-12, 21:42
Try not to worry about it. It has happened to all of us at some time. Some doctor's are just c**p!

I remember years ago, a doctor telling me how silly I was to be depressed because, I was young, pretty, had a good job, nice house etc. .....eh, it's an illness! It can happen to prettiest, richest people in the world!

Last year, at an Out of Hours appt for a chest infection the Nurse asked me if "Agoraphobia was a fear of small spaces"??? Then the Chinese doctor who could barely speak English proceeded to speak to me through my Mother during the whole appointment! Anytime I tried to speak I was "Shooshed".

It's awful really that there are so many bad doctors out there.

Fortunately, the majority I see are good.

24-01-12, 21:57
I will do. It's not the best.

At the end of the day I was going there for something completely different to my Health anxiety and OCD. But she turned it into I was just extremely anxious what no other doctor has done or midwife!

I couldn't of felt calmer I know when I'm panicking because I hyper-ventilate and burp in air.

I guess I just felt a bit bullied to be honest it was almost like she was laughing at me. And espically when I asked about the hospital ward as I couldn't get on a tour and she said oh i'l explain it then turned it into a big joke going 'oh the walls are white, the floor I don't know what colour it is and we wear scrubs'

I'm sure like anyone else here with HA we get anxious around hospitals and the equipment. And for someone to joke about it or mimic you makes you feel about 1ft small! x

Katie when you start ante natal classes you'll get show the labour ward then. My hospital also had 'open evenings' where you could meet the midwives and see the labour suite. I hope it goes well. Also if you decide to do National Childbirth Classes you'll get shown round then. Take care. EJ

24-01-12, 22:19
Ahh My ante natals finish next week! I am 37 weeks tomo so full term tomo!.There isn't much point now I guess with trying to get on it,because I could come any time from now really.

They don't run along side the hospital it's all separate what's a shame...

Thanks for your help though x

24-01-12, 22:20
I hope you'll register a complaint about this or something. She might treat other people in the same situation as you like this. I hate it when Doctors/Nurses just treat you like your something they stood on in the street. It's not nice at all.

24-01-12, 23:27
The thing is I feel the NHS gives us good service for free half the time so I don't like to complain!. I completely understand that today she just made me feel like rubbish! I'd hate to think how she would make a depressed person feel! x