View Full Version : Feel horrid after panic attack!

24-01-12, 17:16
Ok so it started hours ago and only just subsiding a little...prob most of it is the after symptoms....
I feel drained and almost constantly on the verge of having another attack. Is it right to feel like this for so long? It started around 12pm as my eye went blurry ( silly I know ), still feel tingling, a bit shaky, just not right......


My head feels bait achey, and just had a rush of pain up mu left leg......

Do any of you have symptoms that linger after an attack?

24-01-12, 17:22
Long withdrawn attacks, do physically drain the body of all its energy... have something to eat... If Paracetamol is what you normally take, then it wont harm you to have one.. perhaps eat first though...
Remember this though, you have and attack and THEN you panic... i dont have panic attacks anymore, ive mastered them over many years... i stilll get attacks, i just dont panic! an attack being the blurry vision or heartbeat getting faster (for no reason at all) - but i dont add fuel (adrenaline)by thinking, oh my god, whats happening...( the whats happening, im going to die thoughts start the adrenaline going). i just say yeah watever and it dies off - you cant stop an attack, but you can choose not to panic...

24-01-12, 17:22
Hi em84. Sorry to hear you have had a panic attack.

I too like most feel drained after having one and find myself very jumpy for hours after and my chest tightness seems to linger for hours and sometime i get shakey vision that will come and go.

Its just a case of telling yourselve that you have been through this many times and have survived.

24-01-12, 17:25
Hi the aftermaths of a panic attack is horrid, i always feel shakey, cotton wool head, sick and literally on the verge of another one at anytime, its physically and emotionally draining, take some paracetamol and try and rest, hope you feel better soon x x