View Full Version : I'm going to a yoga class tonight.

24-01-12, 17:43
I'm pretty nervous to be honest, never done it before and this is something I would never normally do, even the whole process of going to a sports centre on my own and walking into a fitness class.

But I've read it can help with anxiety and I think that if I can focus on the exercise then I should be able to cope with it all. Will let you know how I get on.

24-01-12, 17:46
good for you, hope it goes well and let us know later how you get on!

24-01-12, 17:54
I so want to do the same Harvest mouse [lovely name ]
good luck .......so pleased you are doing this .understand your fear totally .
But go learn .........do it for your future mate :hugs:
We are all here on forum for you .
I am no clairvoyant :ohmy:...........but feel you are on the way to recovery honest .

Small steps make the path ....you are doing just fine :hugs:

snow xxx

24-01-12, 17:56
Fantastic! I think once your there and start you'll be fine.
I have a yoga dvd that I try and do whenever I can but not always easy with my little boy! It is supposed to be fab for anxiety.

Go enjoy it & relax :D

24-01-12, 18:11
Thanks for the support everyone!:)

24-01-12, 18:54
Well done!! I'm hoping to do the same as you in the near future... until then good luck and enjoy!! :yesyes:

24-01-12, 19:49
Been trying yoga myself, just at home, and it's not easy but the key to it is being gentle with yourself and taking your time. Hope the class goes well, would like to do that myself but I feel acutely self-conscious about exercise. I only go to my gym in the middle of the night when there's practically no one there!

24-01-12, 20:48
I did this last week! I went to a new place, didn't know anyone, but it was ok! I hope you got on ok!

24-01-12, 23:05
I did it! enjoyed it and managed to do ok, going to go again next week.:)

25-01-12, 00:45
Well done ..:hugs:So pleased you enjoyed it .Im sure it will help you .All the best luv Sue x