View Full Version : The Positive Thread

14-06-06, 14:49
Just thought I'd start up this thread to give us a chance to highlight those positive things that happen in our life, despite the adversity we all face.

You may wish to tell us about a lovely country walk that you made, an inspirational story you heard, or perhaps you received a special something as a surprise. Or maybe you just want to tell everyone how lucky you are to have an understanding and supportive person close to you. But remember, we already have specific sections to post your sucess stories and celebrations.

We've all been through dark times when we can't see any light. I want this thread to remind people that there is a brighter side, and hope that this thread will be added to each day.

Focussing on the Positive is part of getting better, after all...


I'll start by saying that yesterday I made a phone call to a friend I hadn't spoken to for ages. And we were able to understand each others issues as well as follow the Brazil match! This was important to me as I get lonely - it's always good to have an understanding voice on the other end of the line.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

14-06-06, 15:35
what a wonderful idea!Thanks Ray.Well yesterday when i went into the garden after all the rain two of the biggest deepest red poppies had opened,breathtaking!And i had bought them from my special holiday place in cornwall so it was a reminder of that lovely time too!Mar-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

14-06-06, 17:19
This is a brilliant thread! Thank you.
Well, my sister has just had a baby girl after a difficult preganancy and birth, making me an auntie for the first time! She is absoloutly gorgeous and gives me a warm fuzzie feeling every time I cuddle her!
Love Helen

14-06-06, 17:57
I've had some lovely times just watching four fox cubs playing in the field behind my home. they make me smile. Also a squirrel comes into my garden and is desperate to get at the nuts in the birdfeeder, he's got into such a knot thrying to get in it has made me smile. I love my garden it is peaceful restful place, the birds and wildlife love it too, that's my positive.

Take care

'This too will pass'

14-06-06, 18:38
Great idea for a thread:D
When I think of positive things in my life, I don't think of specific things that I have done or material things that I have gotten, but I think how blessed I am to have 4 healthy, sweet, annoying[8D], loving kids - a husband who loves me and would walk thru fire for me (hmmmm that's a thought-jk), and my little grandson Peanut (Austin) who I can spoil and feed sugar and send him home:D:D
Who could ask for anything more???!!!


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

14-06-06, 19:31
MMMM when I watch butterflies and bumble bees amongst the flowers in my garden and ladybirds basking on a sunny leaf I think about all the teeny weeny things we dont notice when we are wrappedup in our worries.....Wenjoy x

14-06-06, 20:13
What a spledid idea, a positive thread, how about the air after rain smells so sweet


14-06-06, 20:24
I opened the fridge and found a mint aero I had forgotton about!!


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

"Like water be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world"

14-06-06, 20:31
oh and...

not only have I just become a 'senior member' (makes me sound really old!) I found a lovely concise quote when i was trawling the markets in sydney last week...

"COURAGE - not the absence of fear or despair, but the strength to conquer them"

rang very true to me.


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

"Like water be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world"

14-06-06, 20:57
Yesterday I was with my boyfriend all day! From 11 in the morning until 10 at night, was a great day, he kept treating me, bless him!

Also I have three exams left out of 12 so that's great, it'll all be over next Thursday, yay!!!

Scooties Back

15-06-06, 07:07
Last night was my middle son's graduation disco before he moves from primary school to high school. Seeing him there having such a great time with all his friends and the teachers wishing them well for the future as they were presented with high school ties was lovely and brought a lump to my throat (in a good way).

Coni X

15-06-06, 16:59
I sat at the bottom of my garden today and a mummy duck and three baby ducklings went past on the river - sooo cute!


15-06-06, 17:12
Watching squirrels muck about most mornings on my patio makes me smile!!!

Glyn on Big Brother being excited about learning to cook (even when everyone around him was rowing about other stuff) and liking wearing a tux cos it made him feel posh - just his general naivity is very endearing and has made me smile.

Totally with Lisa on the finding unexpected choc, especially when you are in real need of it for your hormones!!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-06-06, 21:49
A positive thing in my life is NO MORE PANIC. Whenever I get into bad times or negative thoughts, there is always somewhere there, with a positive word to say, which then in turn gives me a chance to pass the positivity back into someone elses life.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

15-06-06, 21:52
I felt a positive moment yesterday on my way home from work - I was driving along, with Ewan McGregor singing "Your Song" (from "Moulin Rouge") at full volume, singing along at the top of my voice! I was grinning at myself so hard I could hardly form the words by the end! :D It made me think that I'd like the song at my wedding as well, which made me think "oh wow, I'm getting married!" :)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

15-06-06, 22:51
i had along natter with a nmp member today,we were both feelin yuk,but after laughing and sharing our symptoms[lol]i felt positive and all warm from the laughter.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

15-06-06, 23:27
My Positive today was been able to visit my uncle in the care home( he as dementia) and been able to bring a smile to his face, and also to chat and help the other residents there do little activities, its nice to think of instead of people helping me i can help others, i am going to make sure i spend at least a couple of hours each week at the care home and help out.




17-06-06, 13:00
Had a positive day yesterday in that I managed to go to my Accord Club for the first time in three weeks -yay!

But I also did someone a good turn. I gave someone a lift home and en route he told me that he thought he had left his key to the flat in our meeting room, but by then our room had been locked up! At least he was able to access the communal facilities attached to his flat so could have dossed down there in the warmth.

But then I realised I had a key to the meeting room at my house as its where I also run my self-help group.

We went back and retrieved his key and so it all ended well, and we both coped with the situation!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

17-06-06, 13:17
My positives are my hubby and lovely kids :)

The sun is shining and I have just taken my daughter horse riding. I hate horses they scare me to death but I stood and watched her riding for an hour with not a lot of panic!

My counsellor is teaching me to look more at the positives and it is definately helpful.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

17-06-06, 17:25
i had a good day today as well - managed to drive further away from my town centre today, went on motorway for one junction (huge for me) to go to a shopping centre with my daughter, came back and treated ourtselves to McDonalds. We were away 3 hrs and I didnt panic or have any anxiety symptoms once.

Im well chuffed and so is she.


........life is for living not just for surviving

19-06-06, 14:45
I think anyone who is going through anxiety or panic should be very proud of themselves at the courage they have shown over the years. Some of the bravest people I know suffer, these that never give in and hope that one day they will be free of the way they feel but all the while trying to help and keep other peoples spirits up.

Bless you all



19-06-06, 23:45
my wondeful friday,,we took my mom out 4 the evening.She has alcohol problems and we dont get out much together.Went to a beautiful place full of flowers,spiritual and magical.It is a memory i will cherish.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

marie ross
20-06-06, 09:26
My two beautiful children, i had a massive panic attack on the last day of our holiday and we had to all pile into the car and leave early.

I promised them £10 each so they could buy a toy as a way of apologising for leaving early, but they would'nt accept it, they wanted me to feel better and kissed and hugged me instead (made my cry buckets i'll tell you!!!)

There only 9 and 10 and i love them with all my heart.

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-06-06, 10:55
Hmmm something positive??!!! i decided on an Open university course! while im at home doing nothing andtrying to get out and about, i decided i might aswell learne something! Nothing to lose really, cos i get it free as im on benefits. ive actually choose social science as a starter course, then next year im thinking of taking a psychology diploma! But one step at a time, social sciences this year. There are heaps of topics, im thinking of taking a nutrition course along side my course for interest.
So heres to knowledge and the ability to learn!
Becci x

20-06-06, 12:24
Great Thread Ray.

My Positive is I have moved house and town and I'm turning my new house into a Home sweet Home! Plus I managed to walk into Town without getting lost! LOL

Take Care,


21-06-06, 20:17
Well today I bought my first plant/shrub in about two years![:O] Although, I enjoy a good garden, I do seem to suffer a reaction upon tending it and had let it go to pot.

Today, a friend and I visited a garden centre and I picked up a beautiful hanging fuschia. Its now right outside my kitchen window, so even on a bad day I can appreciate its splendour.

I've always loved fuschias, and in fact when I was a wee boy, it was the one plant in our garden that was nominally 'mine' [8D]


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

21-06-06, 23:39

Nice topic!

Well I have been on Lustral for 3 weeks and I am feeling better! Over the weekend I was able to have a cookout with my family and then Sunday morning we all went to breakfast. It was a nice weekend and I had missed spending time with them.

Also! I get to leave work in 20 minutes and go home and play with my baby (puppy).

29-06-06, 21:16
Had a couple of successes on the photo front this week.

Singapore Airlines approached me for use of a picture I took at Heathrow Airport many years ago that they want to use as part of the airport's 60th anniversary celebrations. The plan is for it to be displayed (amongst others) in the airport terminal.

Also a guy who runs a "What's On in Winchester" site wanted to use a photo of a dancer from "Bollywood Steps" who are performing in the city this weekend.

The latter one somehow really gave me a real lift, yet the more prestigous use by the airline did not have the same effect!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers