View Full Version : Worried I have Cancer

24-01-12, 18:21
I am a 29yr old female. Always been pretty healthy. But for the past 4 months I've been experiencing some strange things. It first started with an itchy scalp and neck. Went to my Dr. worried it was Lymphoma cause I also had two little lumps on the back of my neck where my hair line is. My Dr did a white blood cell test to "assure me" that there was nothing wrong and it wasn't lymphoma. Then began to experience stomach pains. At first I thought it was my apendix so I went to the ER they did blood work and that all came back normal. Pain never really went away, comes and goes. Nothing that I can determine triggers it. Went back to the ER 2 more times for more blood work, ultra sounds and CT scan with contrast of my abdominal and pelvic area. All came back fine. So now what I have is this pressure sensation under my right rib cage that sometimes radiates to my back. Is this my lung? Also, I've woken up at least 3 times in the past 4 months in the middle of the night hot and sweaty. This freaks me out because I read that is a definate sign of lymphoma along with the lumps on the back of my neck. Is anyone experiencing any of this? Im terrified. I'm a mommy to two little kids and need to be around for a long time to take care of them. I pray this is all in my head and not something serious and scary.

24-01-12, 20:06
I've been worried about things like lymphoma and leukemia also, but I think that I've been worried about them for so long if I DID actually have them, I'd probably be fairly ill by now, and fortunately I'm not. :)
You've been checked several times for different things and all of your results have come back clear. This is great and it means there is nothing wrong with you. If you suffer from IBS, (anxiety and stress can bring it on), it could be causing your pains. I occasionally wake up hot in the night but it can be too hot in your room, you could be having a bad dream etc... I read lymphoma sweats DRENCH your clothes and sheets, but again if you are really concerned go back to your doctor for more reassurance but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. :)

24-01-12, 20:21
Hey Ivory, I guess I am experiencing the same type of abdominal pain and at the back, also both right and left side under ribcage and full back side up (between shoulder blades) and backside down around my waist. I do not get night sweats and there is no lump on back of my my neck.

If you also experience some gas, and acid problems I say it is stress related, or our typical IBS, which basically shows disturbing symptoms anywhere between your upper chest and pelvis (front and/or back). If your tests are alright, I guess you shouldn't worry about it anymore. Digestive system is getting effected with stress the most. And some abdominal gas/acid pains can mimic anything.

24-01-12, 22:55
Dear Ivory,

I could've written that post some months ago. :) I was itchy everywhere, like bugs crawling over me that went away as soon as I touched the part that itched. I was worried about lymphoma, too, since I tend to have a couple of lymph nodes in my neck that won't go down. All had been checked by a GP and the nodes are just like that, and probably won't return to normal size anymore (that is possible).

Since last April or so I have been experiencing on and off pain under my right ribcage, sometimes under my left rib. The pain varied in intensity. I was very worried about it, I was certain I had cancer. Then I went to my GP and he examined me thoroughly. He couldn't feel anything strange in my abdomen, and suspected IBS (also since I have had problems with my bowel movements since early childhood). Then he showed me a picture of where the colon bends. It was exactly where the pain was. He said to eat more fibre. Since I've been doing that, the frequency of the pain got less, and I also noticed that my intestines were pretty active at the time of the pain.

You had a lot of examinations already that rule out serious conditions like cancer. It is hard to let go of that thought, perhaps doing something fun with your kids will take your mind off things. Also, you can try and discuss your concerns with your doctor, he can then explain why he doesn't think it is what you think you have.
Hopefully my story has helped you a bit. You're not alone :hugs:

25-01-12, 04:39
Thank you all SO much for the replies. Each of them truly helps. I'm crying as I write this because it's overwhelming and comforting to know that I am not the only person out there who suffers from worry panic and fear. I am sorry that these monsters have disturbed your lives too. We can and ALL will get through this.
@ MaryMac, my Dr said if I had lymphoma my WBC count would be over 30,000 and each of the 4 tests I've had my count was 7,000 to 9,000. Not to mention every other blood test they did, he said would be abnormal if I had lymphoma. Thank you for reaching out to me. :flowers:
@Beyonderz I do have gas pains, acid issues and big potty (#2) issues from time to time. I honestly believe I have IBS from all the research I've done. I asked my Dr about it and he said IBS doesn't usually affect the right side but anything is possible. Its not a pain so much, its more like a pressure or fullness sensation like there is a knot in there right under my rib cage. But its not always there, the feeling comes and goes. What you are describing about ur symptoms sounds like gall stones. have you had them checked? I hope your pain gets better. ♥
@Relika THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your story with me. My Dr. said the exact same thing about my lymphnodes. He said they've probably been like that for years but I'm just now noticing them cause good old "Dr. Google" told me to look for lumps with my itching scalp and neck and chest. When I woke up all hot and sweaty I literally flew out of bed (out of a dead sleep) terrified. My husband grabbed me and tried to calm me down. He was sweaty too. It just freaked me out that its not the first time that has happened to me in the past 4 months since all this started. Plus, some research I did said my CT scan with contrast would show if I had any lymphoma. Based on my CT and 3 ultrasounds I've had because of that pressure/pain sensation they said there is NOTHING there. Is it true IBS wont show up on a test or scan? My lower back is starting to hurt now too. I sincerely thank you for relating to me. It is hard to let go of that thought but I need to. Why does it seem like accepting your are healthy is more difficult than anything else in the world? It should be so freeing and reassuring. Thank you for telling me I'm not alone. If there is anything I can do to help you please let me know. :hugs:
I read this book recently called The Secret. Very powerful, inspiring and moving book. Scared me shitless at first to know how powerful our minds are. But I believe we can all overcome anything no matter what it is. If you haven't already, check out the book. It's really good and uplifting. Thank you all again so much. Have a wonderful day... :)

25-01-12, 12:00
Yes actually I have the same under right rib cage feeling your are exactly experiencing. And I am getting freaked out with the thoughts of liver/lung related issues (because I also have pain at back side, but not continuously), even though I never used alcohol, never smoked in my life and we have no liver issues and cancer history in entire family (only my father got throat cancer and he smoked like 3 packages everyday and had alcoholism treatment. He is sort of luckier, that he only got the most treatable cancer type).

Same as you, I also have symptoms from time to time, and feel same feeling (rarely) under left rib cage sometimes. It's exactly not like a "PAIN" pain, but sort of like a pressure feeling and sometimes a very slight stinging when I lean down forward but this is also very rare. I usually hear rumbling gas sounds exactly at that same area also. It's just very disturbing.

I heard about gallstones, yeah, but I also heard they either make SO MUCH pain, or almost no feeling/pain and doctors notice them during routine checks. But I know I can not stomach heavy fat food, and I can not eat too much at a time or else my whole stomach gets so disturbed. But I sure have normal appetite. I try to keep calm by thinking those symptoms I have are not persistent at least, and I do not have a serious type of pain. And sometimes that pressure and disturbance is relieved after some amount of gas release.

I have no idea, I hope I will be able to see dr soon. Here in Sweden , according to the address, one has to call a health center and they book a time. This time They said all dr are busy so they will send me a mail saying the time but it's been 5 days already. I want to see DR soon so I can relax and continue my life. I have projects and because I can not concentrate, I am not able to continue with them :/

25-01-12, 17:08
Now, im no Dr. but what u described certainly sounds like IBS and/or gall stones. Do u have the need to go # 2 some times almost right after u eat? Is the pain a buring sensations in bewtween ur shoulder blades? That with the fact that u have a difficult time with fatty foods sure does sound like gall stones. My sister had the exact same thing along with IBS. Had her gall bladder femoved about a year ago and now she's perfect. Sorry u have to wait so long to see ur doctor. Hope this helps and u start to feel better soon. And remember, cancer rarely hurts so Im sure its something so simple and u will be fine. Let us know what the dr says.

25-01-12, 19:24
Thank you very much Ivory really, I feel a lot better now :) It's very good that people in these forums support/understand each other and try to help.

Yes it really sort of feels like in between a burning sensation and sore muscle feeling on my back and lower right back. Sometimes right after food I go to #2 but not often. Also sometimes have light colored #2. That's correct. We will see :)

Thanks for your concern and I hope you don't worry yourself also. As long as your tests are fine, it's OK.
Just get a huge bowl of enjoyable snacks and a drink, find something nice to watch and only imagine how good everything will be :)

26-01-12, 23:50
Yeah, finally managed to book a time with doctor for monday morning. But it's so hard to wait until monday :(. I hope I will be getting some satisfying (and good) answers so I can clear my mind and concentrate on my work.

Since yesterday I have been eating some amount of muffins and some chocolate (not easy to say no to chocolate, eh?) and now I am having #2 problems (diarrhea and light colored) and abdominal disturbance, with so much gas of course. I am hoping that strange stingy/pressure/tenderness feeling under my right ribcage and back side is totally related to digestive/gallbladder issues *cross fingers* and nothing with important organs there.
We will see.

27-01-12, 02:06
That is exactly what it sounds like and not a serious condition. Another symptom u have that is a sign of gall stones is light colored stool. Its caused by too much bile in ur digestive track. Im convinced thats whT u have. We r here for u until u go see ur dr on monday. By tuesday morning, u will be feeling so much relief I know it. Hugs and good thoughts coming ur way.