View Full Version : Morning Feelings?

24-01-12, 18:21
Hi Everyone!
My anxiety from waking is terrible! Straight from waking my heart feels like its fluttering, all my back and shoulders feel like they are trembling on the inside and my head feels really heavy at the front not like a headache just heavy and everything seems really dull, thats straight from the second i awake! So if i wake up at 1am it may take me upto an hour to get back to sleep as i need to get rid of these symptons before i can nod back off, and i cant have a lye in neither due to these feelings!
Also if i try to have a afternoon nap i start to feel really tired and drowsy, i get nice and relaxed in bed feel great and just as i can feel myself ready to fall asleep, i jump up suddenly taking a big gasp for no reason what so ever :weep:
Does anyone else feel anything like this? i hate feeling like this every morning!
If i try staying in bed everything gets worse, so i have to get up move about usually have a wash and go downstairs, if i awake at 1am i tend to get up and go down stairs and have a glass off water and read a book for abit then try getting in bed again, when symptons ease.
Sorry for the long post, just hope there are people who can relate with me.
Thank you

24-01-12, 20:02
Mornings are the worst for me. I wake up and the first thing I do is scan my body for symptoms and think that today will be the day I find out I have cancer or something! I shake and it takes me so long to get going for the day. It's horrible but I improve during the day as my mind gets more occupied.

24-01-12, 20:15
yep, used to wake all the time in a panic... got up , and distracted myself getting ready for work, then usually calmed down... its not nice! havent had it in a while though.

24-01-12, 20:21
I know what you mean, my anxiety is highest in the morning complete with dodgy stomach and gagging and feelings of dizziness.

24-01-12, 20:57
mornings nightmare here also , always a constant battle until early afternoon, funny evenings usually OK apart from dreading the following morning again and 3 hours of relacation cds to try keep my mind from it.

24-01-12, 20:59
my AD,s have helped calm my anxiety in the mornings especially on waking
insomnia makes it 10 times worse.....Im taking Nytol now and im managing 7 hours a night......feel so much better after decent sleep and the quicker you get up and start your day...the better...
I find a nice bath and wash my hair is the best start

24-01-12, 21:54
Thank you for all your replys :), when i mentioned my morning feelings to my doctor she didnt understand how i could be so bad in the morning and looked puzzled, its certainly a relief to hear others feel the way i do... However i am sorry you guys suffer as well because its not nice!
I do try and get myself up quicker but its a big task because of the way i feel, yet i know if i just lye there am just going to get worse and worse and worse, anoter evil of anxiety i suppose :sad:

24-01-12, 22:00
I am the same Sabre and the reason your gp hasnt a clue what you are talking about is because she has never had to suffer it . I dread going to bed as I know I will feel like horendous and worse I HATE IT!!!!

Cathy xx

24-01-12, 22:25
I'm sorry you suffer too Cathy, It really is horendous and i cant stand it either, i know some nights i have still been awake at like 3-4am trying relax to get some sleep! but not every night is like that and the nights i do fall asleep nice and early and have around 7hours sleep, its still there as soon as i awake! its horrible i cant stand it and dont get why it happens :weep:!
Rob x