View Full Version : 'choking' feeling

24-01-12, 20:13
Hello everyone :)

I'm just after some reassurance that I'm not alone really - I have overcome the fear of most sensations of panic now through the use of CBT, however one symptom that I still can't 100% lose the fear of is a 'choking' sensation I get.. I've only ever had it about 4 times despite having anxiety for over a year.

Basically, it's not like 'globus hystericus' that is described on here - it's more of a choking sensation in my chest area, which scares me because I think it's related to my heart!! When it happens, I usually have a wave of fear then become very still (I think this is where muscle tension plays a role) then it feels like I'm just going to start choking/retching (again, it's like abdominal/chest distress choking, not my throat) it's very unnerving :mad:

It's never actually ''happened'' - but it terrifies me non the less! I usually have to lie down as I'm absolutely convinced this is the end for me and I'm about to drop and fit or something.

I think it might be coupled with my diaphragm, as when I feel this sensation it is hard to talk in that I swallow a lot or my words get 'caught' in my throat.

So - has anyone else experienced this?

---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:28 ----------


24-01-12, 20:32
I dont get the feeling in my chest,but definitely in my throat....like its closing up,and I have to keep swallowing....to prove all's working well...if that makes sense?
it is very distressing,but I find breathing exercises help and finding some time to relax each day

this wont help stop a panic attack,but may teach you to breath better or relax you a little.

24-01-12, 22:03

I have this sensation when I have full blown panic attacks, I vaugely remember clawing at my neck during one panic attack as if something was wrapped around it and trying to scream but nothing comes out - it is terryifiying :(

In hindsight of it I always think its connected to racing thoughts, do you get those? I think its where you focus so much on something that you almost forget to breathe

24-01-12, 22:08
oh thats one of my maain anx symptoms, feel like my throat is closing up and i end up coughing to try loosen it

25-01-12, 11:25
I get the feeling like my throat is closing and my chest gets this sensation like really bad heartburn. A lot of people get rapid pounding heartbeats, I don't, I get more of a feeling like my heart can't get any air (if that makes any sense).

The thing to remember is that this is a perfectly normal symptom of anxiety. It's all to do with hyperventilating, so the best thing you can do for it is to take some nice deep breaths.

Try 7/11 breathing. Breathe in for 7 and out for 11. If that's too difficult, breathe in for 3 and out for 5. The important thing is to exhale for longer than you inhale.

Massive congratulations on doing so well with your CBT. Just take some time to think about how far you've come and how many of these symptoms you've beaten. You're obviously strong and brave, or you wouldn't have been able to do that, so you can beat this pesky little thing too (and that's all it is, a pesky little thing. It won't hurt you and it can be beaten).

27-01-12, 19:26
aww thanks guys :) the advice is much appreciated

When I look deeper into it, it does seem to be connected with breathing - like you say Maxine, it seems to happen when my mind is racing and I do forget to breathe! haha, but if i do a few concentrated breaths in and out it eases.

Talking also helps ease it (but not at first, as when I talk and my voice sort of cuts out it scares me!) but if I persevere and keep going I find it's emotion like when you've been crying.

Thanks so much for the encouragement tiddleypom :) you're right, sometimes I forget to look how far I've come instead of focusing on where I have to go.