View Full Version : Citalopram and Lanzoparole

24-01-12, 20:04
I've been suffering with acid reflux quite badly recently and just wanted to know if these two are ok to take each morning?

eight days a week
24-01-12, 20:21
The site I usually use says 'no interactions found':


24-01-12, 20:23
Thanks that's great.

24-01-12, 21:50
Don't think your Doctor would have prescribed them if there was.

24-01-12, 21:53
agreed with Haz, the doctor wouldn't have prescribed them if there was an interaction, and i take lanzoprazole, have done with various medications including SSRIs and its done me no harm, they are excellent for heartburn indigestion etc etc. took one myself a few hours back, feeling better already :)

22-02-12, 19:28
I take Lanzoparole and cit and it has done me no harm

22-02-12, 19:32
:)Hi - it would have flashed up as an interaction - if your doctor didn't notice it the pharmacist would have picked it up - should be fine. Laura