View Full Version : Fear of Cjd or other Rare Prion Disease!

24-01-12, 21:23
I started a topic earlier in the week about my Insomnia and being afraid of Fatal Insomnia but my fear has switched in the last couple of days to CJD! I say this because I have started to get muscle twitching all over my body and some Muscle Jerking to. I feel unsteady when I walk and my memory and Consentration have gotten bad. Plus I have Insomnia another symptom of CJD! I
am terrified I have this awful disease. Please Help

24-01-12, 22:14
Memory , concentration, muscle twitches etc etc are all down to the lack of sleep! CJD is NOT causing your insomnia, your insomnia and anxiety is causing all the symptons you feel !

24-01-12, 22:30
I started a topic earlier in the week about my Insomnia and being afraid of Fatal Insomnia but my fear has switched in the last couple of days to CJD! I say this because I have started to get muscle twitching all over my body and some Muscle Jerking to. I feel unsteady when I walk and my memory and Consentration have gotten bad. Plus I have Insomnia another symptom of CJD! I
am terrified I have this awful disease. Please Help

Hi, you have named everything I suffer from I have had constant make twitching for a year now have seen a neuron and was told it is nothing to worry about it could all be cause by stress. I have my legs jerk and sometimes my whole body again stress.

Try not to worry cjd is very rare .

25-01-12, 00:11
Hi, you have named everything I suffer from I have had constant make twitching for a year now have seen a neuron and was told it is nothing to worry about it could all be cause by stress. I have my legs jerk and sometimes my whole body again stress.

Try not to worry cjd is very rare .

Thanks I'll try but it's easier said then done. I also noticed they I get easily startled lately . I was watching TV and my son poked my leg and my foot jumped! Is that normal?

25-01-12, 10:46
Yes that is normal with anxiety I mild get startled like that as well sometimes the slightest touch can do it.
I have never thought about cjd my down fall at first was mnd.

18-07-15, 03:01
I started a topic earlier in the week about my Insomnia and being afraid of Fatal Insomnia but my fear has switched in the last couple of days to CJD! I say this because I have started to get muscle twitching all over my body and some Muscle Jerking to. I feel unsteady when I walk and my memory and Consentration have gotten bad. Plus I have Insomnia another symptom of CJD! I
am terrified I have this awful disease. Please Help

Haha, same story here. :D
I don't usually worry about prion diseases - in fact, I like to look them up. That's what I did when some random Australian guy got CJD and was all over the news (very poorly reported, I might ad - they acted as if he was the only one in Aus history). So, stupidly I decide to look up FFI and find that recently some teenager died from it in America with no family history (note, this is extraordinarily rare and he recently had two concussions). So, I accordingly spend the next 5 nights waiting for it to happen.
Of course, it didn't, but now I'm worried I could get familial CJD because my middle aged dad has for at least a year had some memory problems (I should note he has not even been considered for having dementia and has no speach problems or ataxia, so I should think that this is highly improbable).
As for your symptoms, as distressing as they must be they are probably the result of your anxiety and are psychosomatic (once I thought I had a brain tumor and I stoped being able to walk properly - all because I was waiting for this symptom to happen! :winks:). Keep positive and take care!

18-07-15, 09:58
Anxiety causes twitching, your muscles are on constant alert and need to expel energy.

What you noted were not symptoms of CJD, it is a fast developing disease which causes the person to exhibit learning difficulty like symptoms, like muscle degeneration, lack of understanding of communication etc. If you had CJD you would know by now, and the number of people developing CJD a year is so minuscule, the NHS says it's 1-2 people in every million.

18-07-15, 11:09
I started a topic earlier in the week about my Insomnia and being afraid of Fatal Insomnia but my fear has switched in the last couple of days to CJD! I say this because I have started to get muscle twitching all over my body and some Muscle Jerking to. I feel unsteady when I walk and my memory and Consentration have gotten bad. Plus I have Insomnia another symptom of CJD! I
am terrified I have this awful disease. Please Help

The other symptoms you've described are a knock on effect of insomnia, believe me. I've suffered with on and off insomnia for the last 10 years, and muscle twitches, lack of concentration, being startled easily, and a million other things are all just due to lack of sleep (and made 10x worse by anxiety). I get them all lol.

18-07-15, 23:27
The OP hasn't logged on in years so hopefully they have sought the help they need. Useful for later searches though I guess.

19-07-15, 02:09
Oops, didn't realise this had been bumped from years ago lol