View Full Version : Red marks on skin after a shower?

24-01-12, 22:22
So tonight after a nice relaxing shower I was feeling good about myself, when I noticed some red marks on my skin. They were on my feet and arms, they've faded now as anyone had this before? I'm going to the Doctors on Thursday so I'll mention it there but I just need to get my mind to rest. Avoided Dr. Google so far though! :yesyes:

24-01-12, 22:28
If they faded them probably caused by the hot water?
cant be anything serious if theyve gone now...

24-01-12, 22:29
Heat rash!

24-01-12, 22:31
Hi! I used to have that every time I would take a shower. They would itch too. I read on the Internet (bad me!), that it was the skin reacting to the temperature changes between the hot water and the cold air. Anyway, it's nothing to worry about.

24-01-12, 22:32
Everytime I shower I get one itchy red spot on my collar bone but just on one side. Been like that my whole life, only get it in a hot shower. My mom told me my brother used to get them on his arms and legs. If they went away its probably all okay.

24-01-12, 22:36
I get them too they are like red dots after the shower.

It's from the heat and it gets your circulation going the medical term for it is 'erythema' I think. When I studied in college this is what we called it when the skin becomes red and goes back to normal once the source has been removed massage etc can do it!.

24-01-12, 22:46
Thanks, looking back I don't know why I was worried, had some odd visions of being operated on because my skin was infected or something! :doh:

24-01-12, 23:02
Ahh I get that too! My feet go purple and blue a lot the Dr isn't worried what I thought was more worrying then the red thing! I thought my heart was giving up turns out it's Raynards syndrome!

It's crazy how one thing in our head can turn into a medical emergency in the matter of seconds! x

24-01-12, 23:59
Yes it is! I just looked at it and thought the worse right away and panicked. Feeling much better now though. :)

25-01-12, 02:02
If you have any old scars , or stretch marks , they will turn read from the heat of the shower.