View Full Version : Not doing so well

24-01-12, 22:24

I've been struggling with general anxiety disorder for probably 10 years. I'm 23 now. I started CBT a year ago and it helped me a bit with realizing what I did (and still do) wrong. I also have health anxiety which, I think, is related to all the symptoms I get from GAD. I feel bad for not having made that much progress. I've been in a really bad state for the past 2 to 3 weeks. I have a constant headache and I feel extremely tired all the time. I also feel very detached, I often feel like I'm in a dream. I hate it. I'm isolating myself more and more and I fear I'll never take control of my mind again. It angers me because I used to love life and to make the most out of it. Now I just want to get through the day without dying!

I'm really depressed right now, so it may not seem like it, but I love to laugh! As you may have picked from my name, I love Woody Allen and one of my favorite movies is Annie Hall.

24-01-12, 22:26
Hi annie.hall

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-01-12, 22:32
Sounds like you are having Depersonalisation and Derealization... which are all symptons of extreme anxiety... while scary, they are only symptons and not an illness itself... they will go when your anx calms down...
Its all explained in the SYMPTONS on the left panel of this website...
Perhaps a trip to your GP if you are feeling really down...xxx

24-01-12, 22:38
I'm going through the same thing. I went through this once about 6 years ago, didnt leave my room for 3 months before I finally decided to take control. It's happening again, except this time I'm still able to force myself to go out with friends on occasion and to the store, even though the whole time I'm incredibly afraid. Welcome!

william wallace
24-01-12, 23:37
Hi Annie:welcome:

26-01-12, 00:43
Thanks for the warm welcome!

26-01-12, 09:35
Hi Annie
You're in the right place, this is a great site and welcome on board.

26-01-12, 10:52
Hi Annie, nice to meet you :)

clear blue sky
26-01-12, 16:46
Hi Annie,

I have just joined this sight like five minutes ago and you are the first person I have responded to:)

GAD for Ten years its a very very long time to have to put up with feeling this way and almost every person in the world would be feeling very low by now.

You say you feel bad for not making much progress. This in turn will make you feel worse. You are on this site and have opened up and explained yourself very clearly and as you stated have seeked help before with CBT. This in itself is all progress.
being able to express how you feel and not be closed in is great.

I suffer with anxiety issues and had panic attacks which has led me not being comfortable with leaving the house or driving everyday, there for causing some level of isolation and me just being on a downward spiral.

I have learned however that excepting I am ill (just as if I had broken my leg or something) and excepting how it makes me feel. I have learned to separate my anxiety from me as a person, not to be so hard on myself and give myself the care and time I need to heal. This in itself has removed added pressure.

Visit your G.P, small amounts exercise,fresh air, eat well, plenty of fresh water (will also help with tension headaches). Make a list of small jobs that need doing and tick things off when you have achieved them.

You wont be like this for ever, things WILL improve.
I hope you find your CLEAR BLUE SKY - GOOD LUCK X

---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:24 ----------

P.s laughter is a massive medicine and you sound like you can laugh!!! Thats good because my spelling is horrific x take care of you

---------- Post added at 16:46 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ----------

pp.s please ignore the end comment of i hope you find your clear blue sky!!! HaHAHAHA just realised how cheesy it sounds. oh dear !! good luck tho x