View Full Version : They think its all over, well now it is

14-06-06, 20:11
I would just like to tell you all that folloing on from previous posts a few months ago stating how i was thinking I was cured, well the Doc has declared me a med free zone, at last I am now truly free of the horrible thing that nearly ended my life and destroyed all my relationships. I now look at life diferently, and have a new zest for life. If I can help anyone out in whatever way contact me, it will be some small payment for the help I received from this site


14-06-06, 20:14
Well done Keith, great news, hope many more of us follow.xx

14-06-06, 20:21
Good for you Keith!!

What are the main things that helped you do it?

pat yourself on the back and feel proud.


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

"Like water be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world"

14-06-06, 22:00
Well Done, Keith.

I think the important thing is having the knowledge to deal with it, should you ever have a little unexpected wobbly one day.

All the Best mate,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

14-06-06, 22:12
Keith that is fantastic news, well done. Such an encouragement for those of us who are still going through it to know that we can succeed and overcome. thanks for sharing.

Take care

'This too will pass'

14-06-06, 22:46

I am sooooo very pleased to hear this news.

You worked extremnely hard to get to this point so many congratulations indeed


Meg xxx

15-06-06, 06:59
Hi Keith,

I'm really pleased for you...you must be so chuffed to have reached this stage.

Like Lisa I would be really interested to hear about the things you found most helpful.

take care

Coni X

15-06-06, 11:20
Brilliant news Keith im so pleased for you.

Wonderful news indeed.

Take Care[8D]


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

15-06-06, 11:37
That's Brilliant news, Well Done :D

Heather x

15-06-06, 13:23
oh kieth how wonderful,so pleased 4 you.YOU MUST FEEL RE-BORN!Oh do let us know what helped you so much,i know it is an individual journey,but it would be so interesting and uplifting too,FAB NEWS!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

15-06-06, 16:15
Hi Keith,

Well done to you. You are such a nice person (tho you're a flirt!!!!). Hope we all follow in your shoes.


15-06-06, 16:41
Great news Keith!
Love Helen

15-06-06, 20:11

Thank you all for your messages, made me blush, (manmoor I do not flirt, i just compliment all the lovely ladies of NMP ... especially you lol). For thos that are asking how i did it all I can say is with taking things one at a time, looking for positivity in everything, changing my outlook on life and starting to enjoy it. Yes I have gone from a potential suicide to someone who has a new zest for life. I thank the wonderful people from nmp from the bottom of my heart for helping me to succeed. I will still join in the forum and help anyone that i can, its a small price to in repayment for the good nmp did for me


16-06-06, 23:07
:DWELL DONE KEITH:D youve shown us it can be done!take care luv moo and baby mooxXx

19-06-06, 17:14

All of us at Tara rejoice at your news of being med free and cured. Your zest for life is contagious and your humour is always welcomed in chat. I wish you continued success.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

19-06-06, 17:40
Hi Keith WELL DONE!!!!!

Take care



21-06-06, 13:00
hi keith

well done hun i knew you could do it.....
its brill news to hear your doing so well keep in touch you big flirt lol :D

take care all the best

emily xxxxx