View Full Version : Feel like I'm losing the plot.....

25-01-12, 07:03
So iv been feeling great the past couple of weeks when tonight has put me back yet again....iv been doing really well iv been taken herbal tea, de-stress, vit vb and zinc all has seem to be working wonders...then tonight went to bed at 5am as usual (can't sleep) my girlfriend has woke me up in a panic because I was saying "look behind you, look behind you" in my sleep, I never talk in my sleep, so why have I developed this....even tho iv been doing so well...anyways iv woke up in a panic after she's woke me up and my heart is racing but my mind feels normal...or it was. Now I'm thinking of going down a and e at 7am...I just feel like a freak and like I'm losing the plot.....I know it sounds silly but we did eat quite a bit of cheese before bed...the nightmares thing, I know its a myth but anyone experience things like this? I know the cheese men are not coming to get me I just feel so confused and a little upset if I'm honest...****ing hate anxiety....

Thanks in advance, Harry. Xx

25-01-12, 07:37
People do all sorts of weird things when they sleep, the unconscious mind is very powerful. You're probably over stimulated, over tired. Let it pass, if you can and try not to worry too much about it. I'm sure it will settle down.
Not sure the cheese thing is a myth, I don't eat it at night if I can avoid it.

25-01-12, 09:07
Hey Harry,
Don't forget that you've not long come out of your "addiction". I still have bouts of strangeness now, even after over 15 years of staying away from my "addictions"! It's very difficult to "ride with it" when you have these occurances but that's the best advice i can offer you.

I am currently not getting to sleep until around 4am and then keep waking myself up when i do get to sleep so i feel your pain, man. You have no need to go to A&E. It feels weird but it's really not life threatening.

Oh, and "I know the cheese men are not coming to get me!" :roflmao::D Brilliant!