View Full Version : Yuck. Mornings.

25-01-12, 10:46
Ugh. I'm always worst in the mornings and my anxiety is at it's highest. My head always feels so out of it and I feel really sick and shaky. Hopefully as the day goes on I feel a bit better.

Mornings are gross aren't they?

25-01-12, 10:56
Yes I find mornings worse also and am always at my best in the evening.
Last night like most nights I lay in bed going over in my head all the things I was going to do today but as usual I awoke this morning with anxiety so bad I am struggling just to get through the first few hours.
I use 5 htp, a Sad Light and drink Camomile tea and I wonder if I am better as the day goes on because these are working but come morning I have gone 10 hours or so without any of them and need to build up again. It is like each day I am starting again.
Hope your morning is starting to improve :hugs:

25-01-12, 11:02
I see what you're saying. In the evening I feel quite normal then go to bed and wake up and have to start over again, it's a bit like Ground Hog Day!

25-01-12, 11:03
do you work Jay?

25-01-12, 11:10
Yeah I do but I'm off at the minute. I'm a bit scared of going back.

25-01-12, 11:20
Hi Jay
Your properly fully aware i am same as you in the morning! i was off work for roughly 7mounths, i have been back for two weeks and i was terrified about how i would feel in work, only the odd day or so i have felt really uncomfortable but over all it has helped me! just gives my mind something to work on in the morning and my work have been supportive and i told them about how i feel in the mornings and they let me do a 12-4 so i have enough time in the morning to get over how i wake up!
I feel for you dude because i cant stand mornings neither and i know how scared it makes you feel for the rest off the day! because of how i wake i find myself constantly checking my pulse throughout the day and doing stupid crazy things like that :wacko:

25-01-12, 11:46
Thanks guys.

I'm the exact same as you Sabre and it's nice to know I'm not the only one, it's made me feel a little better. I wish the CBT people would give me an appointment because I feel I could give someone else my problems that's really do understand and can help me get focused. I think the one thing that worries me is that if I have a phased return to work I wouldn't have enough money to pay the bills, I think I could get away with doing 20hrs though.

I'm gonna try and another 2 weeks off then get my self geared up for work, do some meditation and try to get things rolling.

25-01-12, 19:40
I hear you JayUk! (hence my login name!!). Mornings are the absolute pits. I think I said before you GP can give you a sick note that says reduced hours, altered duties or phased return. I was on altered hours - did 20hrs/week for 4 weeks which was great. Gave me some routine and focus, but gave me time to come to in the mornings. I was on full pay during this time (I'm public sector..). I'm not sure what your work is like or how long you've been off, but worth looking into.