View Full Version : Is it Anxiety Really?

25-01-12, 11:18
I am hoping that you may be able to help me. The Dr thinks I have Health Anxiety and a bit of general too. It started in November with a sore head and neck, that made me feel dizzy, sick etc, I of course thought the worst and got very stressed. In turn this made me feel worse, I've had CT, MRI, Bloods, etc and all normal thank goodness. I've had a ECG last week due to palpitations and racing heart, this too was normal. I am on BP meds and the readings have been quite low so Dr thinks this could be causing some lightheadness too and wants to look at this. I'm going on a 24hr holter monitor for reassuance purposes. In the meantime, I wake up in the morning feeling nauseous and anxious. Despite trying not to think 'how do I feel' I do. I can be sitting watching TV or doing nothing in particular and I feel a thud thud in my chest and I get panicky. I had one on Monday when I was out for a meal and then felt ill and couldn't eat, I couldn't wait to get home into my bedroom. I almost made my husband take me to A&E. Then the next morning I rang the nurse at the Drs and got in a state, she talked me round. So I assume this panic? Thing is how do I stop it?? I'm at work now and I know my neck is sore causing spasms in my head, but I can't stop concentrating on the pulling and dizzy feelings which in turn make me feel panicky - I just want all this to stop and to go back to being me !!:unsure:

25-01-12, 11:30
Panic attacks are caused by your adrenaline pump going into overload. Something triggers it off, and then you panic about that which causes more andrenaline which causes more panic etc etc. if you can keep a note of what's happening around you when you get an attack. Then if you know one might be coming you can either swerve around it by doing something different or avoid it completely on the basis that if you know a bus will arrive on time it never does.

Above all if one starts you need to burn off the adrenalin and break the cycle. Deep breathing exercises work well three dep breaths in, and then twelve big ones out. Repeat for five minutes or so, decreasing the oxygen in you upper lungs will help burn off the adrenalin.

One of us

25-01-12, 23:28
Hi Barnee. I started having the exact symptoms you describe back in October. I don't know where it came from or why it started. The only thing to remember is that it's not real. The sooner you can think of something else, the better, in my experience anyway. Keeping busy seems to help, too. I hope it passes soon for you.

26-01-12, 13:09
Hi Barnee,

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time at the mo. Its horrible, I was diagnosed with HA July last year and like you was confused and not convinced even after all the tests ECG, Bloods, BP, etc. Just could not get my head round it being panic/anxiety. It just feels to real and at times relentless

Read the symptom and tips page you might find some help their. But i have found acceptance distraction and patience. It is not going any where fast and you can help you along with support like NMP.

Sometimes I wish I took my own advice, but it is difficult.