View Full Version : Drs Appt, lightheadedness, tumour worry

25-01-12, 11:25
I have posted before about my lightheadedness and dizzy spells and feeling sore neck and shoulder muscles.

Just got back from Drs. Checked my bp and the eyes and the behinds of my eyes. Dr said its anxiety and has put me on citalopram and is arranging counsillng. She said my eyes and the backs look healthy and anxiety causes dizzy and lightheadedness, as well as the occasional neck twitch.

Its the 3rd time I have been about these symptoms and been told its not a brain tumour.

I start my tablets tonight and appt for counsilling will arrive in 4-6 weeks.

27-01-12, 09:53
How long have you felt like this for? I'm the same, constantly light headed..same as you, docs say anxiety..blah blah blah..lol

27-01-12, 10:50
I had a headache at the back of my head solidly for over a week, no painkillers would touch it! I got prescription strength codein which put me to sleep, but then I couldn't work, it was rubbish. I was convinced it was a tumour! My doc said it was the muscles in my neck going into a sort of permanent spasm that was causing it. In the end I had a deep tissue sports massage which fixed it!!! (Although it still comes back, I get a massage once a month now) light headedness is definitely a common anxiety symptom, but for sore shoulders and neck you should definitely try a massage. Not a airy fairy one with aromatherapy oils, but a serious one, for fixing injuries. Worthy of a shot eh?

27-01-12, 12:40
I have been like it for about 2 weeks, how about you?

27-01-12, 13:00
Tight neck muscles affect the messages sent to your inner ears from the balance receptors in your neck joints and muscles ( neurosurgeon expalined this to me as i have bad neck arthritis and vertigo dizziness) so if for any reason your neck muscles are tense even "just" anxiety then all your symptoms can follow.

Drs aren't bothering to explain why these symptoms are from anxiety and not something serious as they do have a physical cause but the trigger is a mental one if you see what I mean.