View Full Version : let me know what you think, quite a long read

25-01-12, 11:45
im going to show you my posts so far on here ive seen numerous doctors and they think its panic and anxiety attacks but im not convinced.

1st post: this happened in december 2011 out of the blue. ill explain to you what happened and if someone could tell me if it is definately a panic attack it would be very much appreciated. 2 weeks ago i went to bed as usual around 12.30 am and at about 1.10 am i woke up with my heart beat going mad my left arm was numb and tingly and the left side of my jaw was sort of achey. i thought i was having a stroke at the time i whent straight to the hospital and they thought it was a panic attack. it has been 2 weeks now my left arm still quite numb and tingly and i start to panic like im terminally ill. the pain moves from my arm to my shoulder and into my back. im only 25 and very scared can someone help me. thanks

2nd post: not eating which is scarying me and i just want to run to the doctors asap. please tell me other people have lost there appetite too omg what is going on

3rd post: since i had my 1st bad panic attack just over a fortnight ago i hav been having really bad back pain taking ibuprofen and everything but it doesnt go. im scared it could be cancer because doesnt cancer always start in your back any reassurance would help me.

4th post: ill start off by saying im 25 years old dont smoke or drink excessively, ok here goes, about 6 weeks ago i woke up in the middle of the night when i woke up my heart was racing my left arm was numb and my jaw felt like it was locking. i initially thought i was having a stroke, so i whent into a state of panic to cut a long story short i was in aNE inside a hour. they put me on a ecg and everthing seemed fine the doctor told me it sounded like a panic attack. now as the weeks have progressed ive been to the doctors many times and they have prescribed me with medication. ive gon to complain about my back pain abdomen pain, severe pain in my tseticle i went up to ane on xmas day at about 2am the doctor examined my testicle and he couldnt feel anything i also did a urine test which was clear. sent me home with anti biotics. now this past week ive been having trouble weeing not much pain but very stop starty, i also had a poo and as i looked in the toilet i seen quite abig amount of little worms in my stool. now i have been qquite itchy in my bum recently, so i put some toilet paper up and i found a tiny spek of blood now this as freaked me out again. i dd the same again and there was still a spek of blood. im very scared and im confinsed ive got sumkind of cancer. the doctors have reasured me ive had no scans but have had urine and blood tests which came bk clear. do i have health anxiety or illness phobia. i dont know what to think anymore. please please please some1 leave feedback thank youx

5th post: ill make this brief as i can ive had back pain for about 5 weeks and ive now got little bits of blood only light when i wipe my bum. im scared its cancer ive lost no weight and i think i look realtively healthy. i went to my doctors today again he is still not worried felt around my back. ive had too anal examinations in the last 3 weeks by different doctors they say theres no lumps or hemaroids so what is it im really freaking myself out now. what could it be i hope its not bowel cancer or something. p.s im 25 male, but do eat rubbish food really. any help would be fantastic

6th post: ok im a 25 year old footballer and im the captain of my side, but recently ive been suffering from panic attacks and health anxiety and i havent played football for 9 weeks and i played today i only managed to play 25minutes and i had to bring myself off felt very unwell faint nauseas and pale. im really worried that its something terminal i cant not play football i love it too much but im scared im going to have a heart attack or ive got some undiagnosed problem even my team mates said i looked like a ghost. any helpful comments would be very much appreciated.

7th post: ok i started meds citralopram just over a week ago and yesterday i felt i had my best day in 8 weeks then all of a sudden i fell asleep and i woke up with my chest pounding and the fear of dying overcame my whole body like a hot feeling. it was around 25 mins after i had intercourse with my partner and i was really relaxed like you are lol, and then it woke me up when i drifted off it happened 3 times in night too. surely anxiety cant come when your not expecting it when your relaxed, so im frightened its something serious now help me. im a 25 year old male.

and now ive started with chest tightness and genuinely not feeling myself watso ever. please tell me what you think is wrong with me if you take the time to read all these.:)

25-01-12, 13:28
Everything you have said, I have pretty much had. All anxiety related.

As for the anxiety not coming when you're not expecting it, I had my first panic attack at 3am in the morning after being asleep for four hours. Woke up feeling like death, dizzy, heart racing, going-to-die-now feeling. My boyfriend (who is now husband) raced me up to A+E (oh, A+E, my old friend...) and they were like "Yeah, panic attack. Breathe into this bag." Felt like a right numpty.

This is the cruel thing about anxiety, especially health anxiety. You can be having a good day or week, then BAM! It's back. It convinces you that you have the symptoms of the illness that you're most paranoid about so it sets you in this vicious circle of worrying/feeling ill/worrying/feeling ill. It really is a little b*stard. :D

25-01-12, 14:12
I get the left side jaw ache alot.. i just ignore it though, i get back pain alot too... anxiety causes me racing heart, hot flushes, sweating, dizziness, cant concentrate, feel no emotion... ive had this 12yrs on and off... all started with a panic attack out of the blue 12yrs ago... for me its anxiety, i dont believe im dying of a serious illness... its scary i know..especially as its all only just happened to you in last few months...trying to rationalise what it is, why its happening etc.. if you really feel its more than anxiety then go and ask for some tests at docs.

25-01-12, 20:53
It could just be a trapped nerve from your spine - this would give you all your symptoms and the anxiety makes it worse. Has anyone examined your neck to see if its stiff or painful??

25-01-12, 23:21
I've suffered Health anxiety for over 7 years now, started when i was 22, all started from a fairly mild panic attack at the time. But as i'd never had an attack before, know one mentioned it could be a panic attack so i was convinced i was ill. What your decribing sounds like health related anxiety. Suffering a panic attack from knowhere, it's very hard to get your head around it, i know too well. And before you know it, a vicious cycle begins and you start to notice things on your body and sensations. I use to always get numbness down my left arm and have been to a+e, i also thought i was having a stroke!! I get tingles in my hands, pain in my shoulders (often left) and pain in my shoulder blades. I do believe its tension built up from my anxiety as its been years now and im still here. It's very early days for you to get control of this before it takes control of you. I also suffer with panic attacks in the night and have literally woken up with the start of one, so it's possible to have panic and anxiety at any time of day. All that worry and built up tension burys itself deep in your subconcious and will come out no matter what your doing or where you are. Get in touch if you want to ask anything. It can be quite reassuring to have your mind put at ease, if only for a day or so :)