View Full Version : Oh help! I've been an idiot and am frightened now.

25-01-12, 12:37
Basically, I had a massive HA attack last October where I was convinced that I had Ovarian cancer. I marched in to my doctor's and told him as much. He examined my tummy and said he wasn' worried but he would send me for blood tests anyway so I got sent for a fasting blood test, CA125 blood test, CAE (generic cancer test), liver function, white blood count as he just wanted to check everything was fine as I'd been feeling low in general but he thought this was due to anxiety.

Well, basically because I am a massive wuss I didn't ring in for the results. "They'll call me if anything serious is up" I thought. Then i started to feel better so didn't worry about it and totally forgot about the bloods...

Now, I need to go to the doctor's tomorrow about my tinnitus and I just went on their website to get the new number and there is a massive notice on the front page saying that basically if you have any tests done it is up to the patient to find the results out and that the surgery are not responsible. So now am bricking myself that when I go tomorrow, my results will be flagged up and I'm going to find out something horrible.

Why am I so stupid? :weep:

25-01-12, 12:51
Hiya BettyKitten, try not to worry hun even though you have seen the notice on your docs website about results they are more than likely referring to everyday test. Remember your doc has a duty of care if there was anything majorly wronge with your bloods results they would have phoned or wrote to you asking YOU to make an appointment to discuss the results. I know its easy to say but try not to worry :hugs:xx

25-01-12, 13:01
It is true if there was anything they were concerned about they would have to contact you and would get into serious trouble if it was ignored. The results would be flagged by the lab if they were concerned. Please dont worry it will be ok xx

25-01-12, 13:03
Thank you Agnes! :)

If I can find something to wind myself up with, I will!

My friend has been trying to reassure me that they have to say this or else every Tom, Dick and Harry would be expecting the docs to ring back with blood results and that there is a patient's charter that means that if anything serious is clocked, you're in for further tests ASAP.

Still, I do love to worry.:D

25-01-12, 13:07
Yes if anything was wrong, they WOULD have called you.x.