View Full Version : Nothing can go back to normal!

14-06-06, 21:45

Me and my boyfriend broke up over a month ago but we are now together and we have been for a week now.

Now the problem is that his parents don't agree with it, his Dad called him a m** and stupid and they both don't like me. His best mate boesn't like me and his friends are iffy with me apart from one of them (probably because he is going out with a close friend of mine).

My Mum and Dad don't agree with it too. My Dad said to me yesterday after coming from seeing Mike "Dumped Mike recently?" and that just annoyed me so much. Mum saw me running upstairs. I knwo she isn't happy because she isn't talkative with me, plus they are both having a go at me.

I feel like I am going to have a panic attack because sooo many people don't like me and it's stressing me out. I have a history exam tomorrow and this is going to make me fail, I don't want to fail!! So that's stressing me out too. This is so unfair!

I'm hyperventilating, and my fingers are all pins and needles and legs. I keep drinking water too. I'm on msn at the moment and Mike knows but really there is nothing he can do.

Any advice is helpful!

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14-06-06, 22:30
that sounds like an awful lot of people to be disliking you for no good reason!!!! not belittling what you are going through but could the panic be making you a wee bit paranoid maybe??? if you want to be with mike then go for it and stuff what the others think!!! good luck with the exam let us know how it goes best wishes kazzie

14-06-06, 22:35
Thanks for the reasurance Kazzie

Mike was telling me what his Dad was saying about us, Mike was sick alot of the time when we weren't together, and his Dad said rudely "I wonder why" suggesting that I made him ill (technically I did but it was the bluntness of it) that made me panic.

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14-06-06, 23:04
Hi, if Mike was sick when you werent together, then I guess he was very sad and wished you were,if he was happy you were apart, he wouldnt of been sick,xxx

15-06-06, 13:36
Hi there, sorry to hear you are so stressed at the moment, that is all you need on top of exams!!!! My youngest his doing his GCSE's at present, i know how difficult it is without anxiety/panic, let alone with. As for you relationship, as you know i have 4 kids, i have always tried not to interfere with any of their relationships, it is hard, especially when you see them upset etc....I just give a little advice, leave them to it and if necessary, pick up the pieces with hugs/cuddles etc. I am sure all the grown-ups around you feel they have your best interests at heart, people are, maybe only trying to help? keep talking to them and don't let them split you up if you want to be together, just prove that you can both look after yourselves and each other and show plenty of respect etc.. sorry to go on, but only trying to give a little advice as a mum...good luck with your exams. When do you finish? take care and keep in touch. xx

15-06-06, 16:54
Thanks for the comments

I know I shouldn't let people get to me when I'm in a relationship but it's really hard when Mike's Dad calls him names and attacks me (not directly towards me but to Mike) and his friends call both of us names. I just want people to be happy for us and to leave our relationship alone, it's not theirs. Fair enough Mike did get upset but they don't understand that I was too, and I know that they were sticking up for him but calling him m** and stupid isn't helpful!

I had a panic attack last night because of all the stress and my hair is falling out again. I feel stressed inside and I keep twitching and getting palpitations (double palps too) and this whole situation is just stressing me out.

I did my exam today, no worries and no difficulties, I put the whole situation behind me and focused on the exam and it went very well, only two left now.

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