View Full Version : Heart pains?? Help

25-01-12, 15:50
:scared15:I was fine this morning, and then this afternoon while sitting at my desk, not stressed in the slightlest, I had a little flutter bubble in my chest, since then I've been getting sharp shooting pains on and off - not breathless or anything. Feel sick but that's normal for me. I have got a Dr's apt tomorrow (about my anxiety) and am wondering is it my heart or just this horrible anxiety business (ECG and BP and Pulse were all normal last Wednesday) I just don't know why it happens when I'm happy working and not thinking about things. Then it comes and I feel scared and down - its horrible

25-01-12, 16:15
I also get these flutter bubbles, feels like my come in waves of four like straight after one another and then my heart seems to flutter for a little while as the bubbles have passed! is that kinda how yours happens to you as well?
Mine also comes out the blue and usually when am sat at my desk or relaxed and when it happens i find it hard to concentrate on much else, i even get scared that my heart isnt go back into its normal rhythm and it makes me want to put my hand on my chest!
Defo mention it to your GP but they will properly say its down to your anxiety :emot-rolleyes:

25-01-12, 16:20
No mine are just the one flip/bubble and then I feel nervous and get panicky and then try to stop thinking about my chest, but feel twinges and sharp shoots and think, it has GOT to be my heart. Even though I now my chest muscles on the left are tight and all round my head and neck. I just am scared that the Dr will say it's anxiety when it's my heart