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View Full Version : Does anyone else have the 'friend' anxiety?

25-01-12, 17:04
That is, I should see them more, I should go out more, they feel sorry for me etc?

Just that feeling that you're never quite getting it right?

25-01-12, 17:09
Its natural with anxiety to feel you are letting others down...
but you have to do what you feel is right for you...what makes you happy, not pleasing others all the time... True friends arent going to being feeling sorry for you.. they will want to help if they can..

25-01-12, 17:11
You're right :) Thank you. I just feel this constant guilt on my back. It's horrible.

26-01-12, 22:10
I never get it right. I swear. My close mates know me well enough, but the people I socialise with and know less well must think i'm quite strange. Which is true enough I guess :)