View Full Version : grrrr gave in again!!!

14-06-06, 22:24
been having a not too bad few days with the panic despite being under loads of stress then yesterday my son asked me for a lift dident give it a second thought till i had dropped him off then on the way home was half way round a really big busy roundabout when bang out of the blue i had a major panic attack then my feet got all muddled and couldent seem to drive properly!!! when i got home i was in such a state i drank loads of booze and couldent sleep all night then today woke up in a booze induced panic phoned in sick to work and spent all day hating myself for giving in to the panic again!!! anyhow tonight i had to give him another lift and i really dident want to but i was fine!!! wonder if i will make it to work tommorrow??? kazzie x

15-06-06, 06:21
You will make it to work fine - it just shows that when you gave him the 2nd lift you were fine so it just shows that its one step forward, two steps back and YOU DID IT so believe in yourself and you will be fine. Good luck!! Love Wenjoy x

15-06-06, 07:28
I know having set backs is very upseting and scarey,
I have been doing very well but 2 days ago had a horrible panic on the school run. Yest I did the school run again and was ok.

Ive been told healing takes having alot of blips, every time you take a panic tell yourself this is an ideal chance to practise your coping skills........i use mindfulness.

Ive always wondered why is it some days i can do things and other days i cant ? It has to be the way we are feeling.[xx(]


15-06-06, 08:43
Hi Kazzie, as mirry has said it is part of the healing, it takes time, we have good days and bad days, also blips can occur during a day so days can vary too. Its good that you still got in the car and drove the second time, you didn't let it beat you.. Well done

Take care

'This too will pass'