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View Full Version : should I just go to the hospital and sleep tonight?

26-01-12, 02:01
Basically I just moved into my own flat with my girlfriend and because my new home is like 10 mins out of the area from my doctors I can't see him....so as iv been so busy I have only just registered with a new surgery today and I won't be able to see anyone up to a week which is really grinding on me as I want to see someone asap. It is more than likely nothing but yay everyone here has anxiety and I'm no different so I'm just getting more anxious. My problem is my glands seem to have gotten bigger over the last couple of months and seem to be more tender went hospital for this I got told there not swollen. My respone (yes they are I feel them most days and I know they have got bigger and I'm not ill) got up and walked up after a long ass winded pointless convo with someone who didn't want to know. Second problem...my left arm has been playing up for the past month....iv been taking ibruprofen like they are going out of fasion...don't get me wrong they do help somewhat but when I went hospital for this I got told it was tennis elbow and the doctor was encouraging me to take more painkillers O Thanks! Encouraging someone that was addicted to cocaine for 4 years, you knowing about it and telling me to take drugs which I am now starting to rely on everday! Third and last problem been getting major pain in my stomache which slowly creeps up to my chest...think its just really bad wind as I can't stop farting or burping. But I want to see a doctor who will understand me as I'm going out of my mind. Iv had more ecgs than I can remember my heart is fine I know that...I don't have a brain tumour I know that...but all these new things are really getting to me and its so frustrating I actually am getting deppressed about it...any advice is always appreciated thank you very much....sorry for long post. :)


26-01-12, 08:07
Hi Harry:)

Your glands arnt swollen as the doc says BUT prodding and playing with them daily will make the sore and FEEL bigger!

You have tennis elbow in ur left arm which can be quite painful BUT not life threatening, I understand with the painkillers so try to cut down to a low dose? I dont know if a physio could help there?

What you describe with your stomach sounds like gerd....wind in other words caused I reckon in your case by stress and anxiety which we can all sympathise with on this site!

Chin up mate
