View Full Version : Fed up

Jonny X
26-01-12, 09:35
I've been feeling pretty rubbish for around a year now, on and off but fairly constant. I had 3 blood tests last year, an ECG, a chest x-ray, had my sinuses checked and a couple of eye tests which all came back normal. My main problem is an almost constant light headed/spaced out feeling which my GP has put down to anxiety. I guess what I want to know is can anxiety really make me feel like this all of the time? I'm fed up and don't know what to do. My GP said that all he can do now is send me for CBT but I'm not entirely convinced that it's anxiety although every test I've had kind of points to that I suppose! Just before Christmas I had a few days where I felt like I was almost back to normal but then I had a grotty cold for 10 days and when that cleared up I was back to feeling rubbish :weep:

26-01-12, 10:53
That feeling in your head is quite common with anxiety and a lot of people here have had it or do have it, such as myself. It's there when I'm anxious but in the evening it seems to clear up.

Have a look at this http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/depersonalisation_and_derealisation.html

06-02-12, 10:29
Hi Johny,

Im the same, the lightheaded / dizzyness and headaches are really my only symptons at the momentand I have had bloods tests etc and all clear. It is hard to accept it is anxiety isn;t it? Are you on any medication? I have been prescribed citalopram but have been carrying it around in my bag for the last 2 weeks trying to pluck up the courage to start it :shrug:

miss sparkle
06-02-12, 10:36
same same same. also been carrying citraloprram around not wanting to take it.waiting on my blood results which are driving me crazy x

06-02-12, 11:52
I get a light headed / dizzy feeling alot. That for me is the worst and one of the things that scares me to go out incase i was to faint and I was on my own etc. I was worried that this was something wrong with me as the doctor didn't seem to acknowledge it as a common thing. I think that if this wasn't here my anxiety would be alot better.
Do any of you struggle with getting your eyes to focus sometimes when you are feeling particularly anxious?

06-02-12, 13:18
It definately sounds like anxiety. I get this alot too when I feel anxious and I think that maybe going for the CBT will help you learn about it and how to ease it. It works for some people and doesnt for others. Although it doesnt seem like anxiety can give you these symtpoms you must try and believe what the doctor tells you.

06-02-12, 16:09
I have this dizziness too, sometimes for what feels like every waking moment, sometimes on and off depending how much i dwell on it. I do find i get respite when i am too busy focused on another lovely anxiety fueled symptom.

It is hard to believe sometimes that anxiety can make us feel so strange. x

06-02-12, 16:36
Hi to all = Lost L - these all part of anxiety - I would change your dr if you can or another in the practice. Dr Claire Weekes - self help for your nerves on Amazon is very good at this sort of thing. Hope you feel better soon. Laura

Jonny X
09-02-12, 13:28
Thanks for all of your replies. I'm on 20mg of Amitriptyline, I think it helps me sleep better which is good because I'm not a great sleeper and feel much worse after a sleepless night.

Lost L - I sometimes struggle with focusing, it's like it takes a second to catch up if that makes sense. I went to the optician last week and all looks fine.

Laura - I've recently got that book from Amazon but haven't looked at it yet but I will do - hopefully it'll help!

I think half my problem is not being convinced that anxiety can make me feel like this!
