View Full Version : Night sweats?

26-01-12, 10:11
Last night I was sort of dozing and I woke up suddenly and I was roasting, covered in light sweat. My heart was pounding. I have a big duvet and a wooly blanket underneath me so I'm hoping it's because of that. I got up and went to the toilet and cooled down fairly quickly but I'm terrified that it's a sign of lymphoma/leukemia. :( It only happened once and I went back to sleep but I'm so scared that it's cancer.

26-01-12, 10:48
I've had this at times and I think it's due to the anxiety. One minute I'm boiling hot then I'm cold and shaky. I've also had when I'm in bed too.

26-01-12, 11:52
I get it, but think its peri menopause with me

26-01-12, 12:50
Yep I have that often too mostly at night but like you Stormsky sure its peri menopause. Who Knows! :shrug: