View Full Version : Hard to breathe

15-06-06, 09:39
Hi All

This is a new one to me, I am finding it difficult to breathe over the past few days, not wheezing or anything, just like there is a weight on my chest and my throat and a strange draft thing down the back of my throat!!!!!! I have to keep drinking water and I am thirsty all the time and my throat feels dry. I am sure I am going to stop breathing it feels like I am suffocating, this does not feel like a panic attack where you shallow breathe.

I have tried everything from ignoring it, deep breathing, watching telly, having a bath but it just wont go away. Had to stay off work again today cause of it.

Has anyone had this or know what it might be as it is freaking me out.

Shirley M

cathy s
15-06-06, 10:07
I'm glad you have written in because i have had a breathing thing too! I've had it before, and i think it might be due to hayfever, but I'm also scared of developing asthma. I can't decide whether to go to the doc or not incase it's just me being anxious again!!
I think it's highly unlikely that you will stop breathing.
Depending on what part of the country you're in, the weather has been affecting people if it's been very hot or strormy (did you catch Chris Evans - radio 2 last night) apparently, it creates positive ions which affects breathing & mood. (negative ions are good, positive ions =bad!)I felt like it was slightly difficult to breathe yesturday too, and today I feel better. Do you? But not better enough to keep worying that I should see the doc to rule our asthma! Do you think you should see the doc?? The NHS Direct site is good for trying to decide.

15-06-06, 10:21
Thanks for reply Cathy, no I don't feel better today just as bad, dread going to the Doctor again so trying to avoid that as I'm sure he will think what now!!!!

What I am trying to decide is it it anxiety or is it something else It is certainly it is making me anxious

I might take a anti-histamine tablet in case it is hayfever (though not affecting my nose or eyes) just this thing in the back of my throat and my chest.

If anyone else has had this could they give their opinion on this.

15-06-06, 10:59

i have been having the same since yesterday afternoon - its like something sitting on your chest and your throat feels weird as well - its like your breathing is going to stop - i have had this lots of times before and it did go away - do you get indigestion as well with it?


........life is for living not just for surviving

15-06-06, 11:39
Hi Darkangel

No indigestion, it is hard to describe how I feel it is a odd feeling in my throat, and like I can't breathe properly I also feel really shaky, I went on my cycle and cycled to the top of my hill, I thought if I'm going to stop breathing then may as well test my breathing to the limit, I must admit felt really shaky still do but I didn't stop breathing and made it their and back,

Anyway I have forced myself out of bed instead of lying feeling sorry for myself.


15-06-06, 11:40
Hi Shirley.

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. Perhaps it is just because you are a bit stressed? My breathing goes funny a lot of the time when I am stressed, so perhaps thats what it is. Let us know how it goes if you go to the doctors.

x x

cathy s
15-06-06, 18:10
Well done for testing yourself, i think that's really brave(It would have been a very big deal for me to do that!!)
Well done for not feeling sorry for yourself!

15-06-06, 21:13
Hi - like scooby says - my breathing goes crazy too sometimes and I panic that I cant draw breath. I am asthmatic and I know that the air quality is crap at the moment and its the weather so what you are feeling a the mo lots of people are feeling - try to stay inside if you can and if it gets worse - go see the dr in case its hayfever or asthma. Take care. love wenjoy x

16-06-06, 16:12
Hi All

Just an update, went to Doctors today was a 20 min drive to get there was exhausted and close to tears by the time I got there, got in her office and started blubbing felt like such a fool. Anyway she examined my chest and said it was clear and it was down to anxiety, she has referred me to the CPN (Community Pyshcatric Nurse) (not sure how to spell that) to help with my panic attacks, she said she did not want to prescipe me anti depressents yet.

So lets see how this goes, I am home now exhausted and very tearful, glad I am not dying though;)

16-06-06, 16:38
Good news! And it sounds like you have a brill doctor. Good luck with it all.
C xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

cathy s
16-06-06, 19:00
well done, very brave again for going to the doc when you really didn't want to . Now you know what it is and you've taken the first step to recovery. I agree - good doctor!!

Get Grace out!!!