View Full Version : aortic aneurysm-why cant I believe my own common sense

26-01-12, 14:56
Hi all,
the old HA has reared its ugly head again.
On monday I thought I had bowel cancer but 24 hours later I was relieved to realise it was piles !!
For the last 2 days ive been getting jumping sensations in stomach and strong pulsing-anxious stomach ? probably ! but theres this niggling doubt its something more serious like an aortic aneurysm.
im getting wound up about it which obviously is making it worse.
Why cant I believe the common sense side of my brain ?Im sat here trying NOT to ring and make a GP appointment.

This damm anxiety-I dont even know what started it.
How does anyone else stop this mind chatter from Dr Death ?

When I read this in a weeks time it will be funny but at this moment-it aint. . .:wacko:

26-01-12, 19:54
Okay logical side of my brain answering here!

Everyone has a strong pulse in just above their navel if they find the right spot as this is the aorta and it should be a strong pulse. If you are nervous then it literally pounds its that strong and if you are thin you can see it pulsing - normal.

Twitching muscles from anxiety can happen anywhere in your body and I get it in my abdomen and it feels really weird like 10 babies kicking or if your a man like 10 ferrets fighting under a blanket:). This could be your twitching pulsing feeling.

I know I don't have aortic aneurysm as I have had quite a few ultrasound scans in past year for one reason or another and they always check your aotra at the same time so if you have ever had an ultrasound of anywhere on abdomen this will have been included but you won't know unless you know where your aorta is and will realise what they are doing they don't tell you about it its just routine part of scans.

27-01-12, 16:11
Well Im still alive today so guess it was nothing serious !!
Of course everything you say is spot on-but yesterday I would have doubted it. I had a ct scan of my abdo region last year after a bad kidney infection so like you said they would have checked everything. Just out of curiosity were you told this is checked for ? ( off I go again)
Thanks for taking the time to answer-at least I didnt give in to my anxiety and book a docs appoint. !!!
Im a girlie so I know what you mean about the baby kicking thing ! x