View Full Version : Hi everyone.

26-01-12, 15:29
Hi, just passing by, i have afew symtoms im a little conserned about, i went to the doctors yesterday, and hes sending off some blood tests to try and figue out the problem, but in the meantime while waiting i thought i would put my symtoms here just incase anyone else has any ideas :)

Basically for about a week and a half now ive had this very hard to describe sensation in the whole of the top half of my body, its there from morning till night, so it isnt a come and go type of sensation, but its like a numb feeling, like nothing is there or doing anything, i feel like my body is floating away some place.. but the strange thing is, it just in my legs, i have extreme dizzyness too, which makes me come over very very hot.
The body feeling is so numb and strange, when i close my eyes its worse, its like im drifting off i sometimes cant even feel myself breathe. (Even though i am)
Its starting to freek me out now, worrying that i have some terminal illness or something, im very starey.. very out of it, and ive lost all colour in my cheeks (ive always had very red cheeky cheeks!! ) lol.. im just abit conserned to be honest... has anyone had this? Or even better, do u have any ideas of what it could be? I need answers, its ruining me!!! :( Thanks. x

---------- Post added at 15:29 ---------- Previous post was at 15:27 ----------

Sorry i meant to say, but the strange thing is, it isnt in my legs.. see im totally out of it.. Xx

27-01-12, 17:39
Hmm.. I can't give you any diagnosis on what you've said, but wanted to answer because it's horrible to not get any answers on here! :hugs:
Also have you seen this list of anxiety symptoms? http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml -it's a long list and not exhaustive! I notice they mention one symptom that is 'When you close your eyes you feel like are beginning to, or will, float upwards'?

Anyway good you've got the bloods overwith and hope you get some help with your symptoms! Post an update on how it goes.
