View Full Version : Power in numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

clear blue sky
26-01-12, 15:36
Hi I'm a 24yr old female with a mind that never switches off. I suffered with anxiety and depression all my life but have had times when iv hit rock bottom and needed medical support.
Iv witnessed my mum have a full on breakdown and cared for her until she was eventually sectioned under the mental health act. This was a horrific time and has scarred and scared me to an extreme level. Being in a young violent naive relationship for five years where I also suffered a miscarriage has also had a knock on effect on my thoughts and behaviours.
Im unable to forget these past events and when under other stress work /illness. the anxiety and low mood just pops up like a bad smell!!

About a month ago it got real bad. Im very happy with my life and the way things are now but i started freaking out that something bad would happen. I had that anxious feeling back that made me feel uneasy and sick and tired all the time. Then came the panic attacks !! and what a joy they are.

I was signed off work and then started getting very isolated. I had that fear of leaving the house. felt guilty for leaving work short, felt like a bit of a bum to be honest.
I was put on SERTRALINE 50mg which i refused to take at first as the thought of taking any meds made me feel like it would send me gaga and id end up like my mum did. After pacing the kitchen and opening and shutting the med draw at home i eventually made myself take one. THEY ARE FANTASTIC :). I feel alot better in the last couple of weeks, I feel more level headed and able to see things clearer and not beat myself up about being ill.
I had got myself out the house after time, started going for small walks and seing friends.
I was preparing to go back to work everything was better then on my way in the car I had another big panic attack. Sent me back to square one. I had a couple of negative sad days and have agreed with the gp I need more time and going to try going up to 100mg. This website seems ace and im sure will help me on a very bad day to get myself back on form and put it all into perspective. As you can tell by the 100000 paged story I like to express myself. Anxiety and depression can be beaten !!!!!!!!!!! wish you all well x

26-01-12, 15:37
Hi clear blue sky

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes