View Full Version : Blood Results Panic! Low Sugar Levels!

26-01-12, 15:59
Just back from the Doctors. She said from my last blood test, the only thing that stood out was low sugar levels. What could this mean? Could I be diabetic? I have to go back next Thursday and get blood taken then. And do the fasting thing. Not eat after 7pm the night before!

I'm just worried it's something serious. :weep:

26-01-12, 18:33
Im sure its ok. Are you eating properly? Because that can make your sugar levels drop especially when you are anxious.

By eating more frequently throughout the day (for example, eating 5 times a day in smaller quantities instead of 3 big meals) helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Try not to worry your Gp seems on top of it so you should have some answers soon.


26-01-12, 18:37
I wasn't really eating great when I got the test, I'm eating better now though and I have put on weight.

I'll just have to wait and see. :)

26-01-12, 19:50
You cannot be diabetic with low blood sugar levels. The fasting glucose test will tell them alot about your sugar levels as this will show what it does over a period of time with no food. don't drink any sugary drinks either as this will affect the results.

If your fasting glucose was much lower than it should be then they would look into why re endocrine disorders but the chances of this test showing abnormality is very low so don't worry. Did she say what your low sugar result was??

My husband is diabetic so know way too much!

26-01-12, 19:56
No she didn't, just said it was a bit low and then explained about the fasting test for next week.

Wonder if I could get a copy of the results.