View Full Version : FED UP!!!

lisa p
15-06-06, 09:53

Today I have woken up in a right tearful mood. Yesterday I felt really lousy with a water infection, took a antibotic which made me feel sick all day, didnt feel like doing the school run but could not get hold of anybody, so I dragged myself into the car, with sick bags!

Problem is I feel sick most of the time so never sure if its panic or a bug. I am just so fed up now - I just feel like there is no end to this. I have got to go to work in a moment, 10 min drive, only go once a month, but how can I go with red eyes etc.

Hubby took kids to school today which made me feel a little better but I am really scared that I am getting more housebound, I phoned the docs because I would really like him to give a name to my symptoms, I have just presumed Its panic attacks which is now developing into agrophobia.

AHHHHHH - So cross, I would just love to be normal again.

Sorry to go on and on!

Hope you are all having a better day then I am today!!
Take Care,

Lisa px

15-06-06, 10:26
Hi lisa! I know what you mean exactly! The problem is when you have this panic/anxiety and you get ill it's like the symtoms worsen! I know from experience that everytime i'm ill my panic worsens and I get really anxious and don't want to leave the house, so I call my brother who drives to collect the kiddies from school as i'm to nervous about driving, and facing people. Im going thru that stage at the moment where i'm trying to avoid going out, and as difficult as it is I can't and won't allow that to happen or become a habit. Don't let this beat you we are all in this together, somedays are good others are horrendous but unfortunatley their the ones we dwell on. tcxx[:O]


kate H
15-06-06, 13:19
Hi Lisa,

I agree, when I am ill my panic symptoms get a lot worse. Unfortunately antibiotics can make u feel sick, i know they make me feel pretty rotten. One thing i usually take when i am on antibitotis is something called (let me see if i can get the spelling right) acidophilus. If you go to Holland and Barrat they can give it to u there. Its a priobitic tablet that will hopefully make u stop feeling sick.

Hope this helps a little, try and keep calm i know its easier said than done and make sure u drink loads of water for your infection.

Take care and hope u feel better soon x

.......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

lisa p
15-06-06, 13:44
Thanks so much for the advice, feel a little better this afternoon, managed to get to work and hopefully my mum will collect the children.


Lisa p

15-06-06, 14:05
ah,so glad you feelin a bit better Lisa.The nausea is horrid,i get it most of the time ,thought i was pregnant at one point,but as i am 51 and post menapausal,and virtually celibate,highly unlikely i would think!!lol!!Hey gotta laugh haven't we !!??Bad days are stinkers,i feel really poorly too and am the same lisa is it illness or anxity??Well at least we all understand each other,Take care love Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

15-06-06, 16:40
Hi Lisa

Poor you - it sounds like you are having a really tough time. Was your doctor helpful when you spoke to him? If not then could you maybe try another one? They should be able to come and visit you if you can't get to the surgery.

I had a doc's appt yesterday and unfortunately I didn't get a sympathetic doctor so I'm going to try someone else next time. They are there to serve you!
