View Full Version : Feel like i am walking to the right?!

26-01-12, 16:38
I woke up this morning with a really sore throat, glands swollen and full of cold, my 2 sons have had this recently but I have noticed for the past 2 days I feel like I am walking to the right?! I am not but I feel like I am.

Is this a sign of anxiety?

26-01-12, 18:25
Yes could be, but also could be your cold. I know that sound strange but if my sinus's are blocked i feel like that I have some sort of balance issues, it makes me feel like Im on a deck of a ship.

26-01-12, 18:49
You could have an ear infection, they play havoc with your balance and if your full of cold it'd make sense because all your sinus's will be blocked, hope you feel better soon xx

26-01-12, 20:06
yes i agree, a common symptom of an inner ear infection is feeling as though you are falling to the side. seems likely too if you have glands up and bad throat as your throat connects to your ear via the eustacian tube i believe.i got my inner ear infection via my throat x

sherylee xx
26-01-12, 21:48
as you have a cold hun you could also have a slight middle ear infection wich will affect balance and if im right can affect how you walk xx

27-01-12, 01:05
Are you taking any cold medicine? My mom has reactions to certain types--she can't take anything with codeine in it as it makes her feel and act drunk :) Could just be your medicine. Otherwise I agree with everyone else, it's likely an ear infection.