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26-01-12, 16:45
Me and my partner are going to have sti tests we have been together 7 months now I know I have been faithful and I trust her. I'm just worried something might come out....I have on and off tescular pain only in my left testicle and got told to have a check before. This was before I met her the doctors felt around and there were no lumps which rulled out testicular cancer. I know the pain is more than likely to be strain as it comes on for 2-3 days then goes away for weeks sometimes a month. We do have sex quite a lot and its un protetected as we are trying for a baby so it could well be just strain. I'm just worried if I have got something and have passed it on to her.

26-01-12, 17:38
how wonderful for a man to be so concerned....it is a true test of your love for her,Im sure.....(you love her so much that past relationships are now preying on your mind)
please try not to worry about sti's they usually show up as a discharge or lumps/warts etc.Ive never heard of one that gives a man pain in his testicles...
However any sort of pain should be investigated...
my husband ,some years ago...had what I think they call...'twisted testicle?' I cant quite remember.....but he was in agony....I think it was inflamation in his testicle that caused it (its 17 years ago!!! sorry I cant remember the full story)
but I would get it seen to especially if the pain becomes excruciating

26-01-12, 18:17
Just wondering why you are having STI tests? is it because you are trying for a baby?

26-01-12, 18:40
Yes we wanted to have the test done as we are trying for a baby don't know the blood or urine results yet as they take a week or two. But the swab came back that I either have clymedia or an non specific urethritis whatever that is. It doesn't effect fertility which is good, just taken my antibitotics and it will clear in a week. Can't see it being claymedia as iv always used protection and my partner had a test done when we got together. Before we got together I did have some discharge but I thought it might be pre cum and put it to the back of my mind. Bit worried but hey ho this stuff happens lol....