View Full Version : White dots on skin

Cell block H fan
26-01-12, 20:56
What are they? Is it an age thing? Looks like a pigment thing. Random little white spots on arms a couple of mm wide, circular in shape.

26-01-12, 22:22
Hey I have some of these too. I forget what it's called, but I know its nothing to worry about. Some are a few mms, some are just a pin prick size.

26-01-12, 22:54
Yeah I've noticed the odd couple of these on my arms in the past. Never really thought anything about them, guess they're just from the sun or something. Nothing to worry about, I bet you'll find most people have them if they look!

27-01-12, 08:37
Well, those 'white' spots are from sun exposure and sun burn over your years. They are not harmful and I have so many that I'm beginning to look like I have some type of fungus. A dermatologist can burn them off. No need to worry. They are 'keratosis'......(:-0

27-01-12, 09:14
'guttate hypomelanosis' I believe.

I am not a medical person, but I have stacks of them, and I mean stacks almost like white freckes. I am in my 40s and have not taken care of skin in the sun, and am fair skinned.....so I only have myself to blame. :blush:

They are certainly age related, here is a good article about them....


Cell block H fan
27-01-12, 10:03
Nice one folks thanks. Interesting. Yes they are the same as the pics on that page. But not as many. I also have little red dots, look like blood blisters, but the size of a pin head. I did ask the doc about those when I was in my late 20's though & he said nothing to worry about.
I assume my white spots are age related, as I have never really been a sun person, not keen on the heat, not since my teens anyway, & even then I probably only tanned once or twice on holiday, the rest of the time I prefer to stay out the sun & use fake tan lol

27-01-12, 12:50
I have the red dots too. I've heard they're tiny burst capillaries but don't know how true that is. They're not a problem though, nothing to worry about. Again, I bet loads of people have them!

22-01-20, 12:54
i think when white patches appear on skin, this condition is called vitilito in this situation your skin tissues damaging.