View Full Version : Having a very bad day

26-01-12, 22:54
Well I've suffered with anxiety for most of my life, but over the last 4 years its been at its worse due to my Dad and Grandad dying within the space of 6 months when I was 14, needless to say I didn't cope with the deaths very well and it developed into health anxiety which I have recently very nearly overcome, haven't worried about my health for well over a week now which is a record as I have now recently started on Citalopram which has taken the edge off things.
I thought I was doing okay until today, I go to a training centre which is like a college but smaller and they teach you different work skills and help you to head into the right direction of your career choice, but anyway loads of new people started the course today and I couldn't cope as the people were loud, rude and annoying and in a very large group which I cannot stand at the best of times, I feel very intimidated by large groups and noisy people so both together was NOT a good combination for me. My very good friend there left last week as she has now got a full time job so I feel very lonely, I do have other friends but I don't gel with many other people and feel left out of conversations as I'm not really into the same interests most girls of my age are into.
When I went into my class after a stupidly long break and was near the loud people most of the time, I ended up having a huge panic attack, I tried to contain myself until I got somewhere quiet as I didn't want a huge fuss and the teacher was very understanding and was told I could stay in a quiet classroom if I wanted, which I did I just wanted to be left alone and felt so angry that I've ended up where I am in my life. I don't even want to be at this training centre but I've given up on so many things, I have to if I want to get into beauty (mainly make up).
I've spent my entire day anxious and upset, I miss my friend and always looked forward to seeing her at my training centre and I'm starting to get anxious about my future too like my career.
I'm in a very good relationship and have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now, so I've had my boyfriend to speak to about all this, but my boyfriend works a full time job now so everythings just all over the place.
I just feel so anxious about everything :weep:
This was more of a rant than anything but would like to hear other peoples experiences when dealing with an anxious part in their lives I just don't know how to cope at the minute.

26-01-12, 23:10
I know it's been a hard day, but try and see the positives from it - firstly, you went! You're doing something that you know will help you with your future and what you want to do. Despite being around loud people and feeling panicky, you stayed. It would've been easier to leave but you stuck it out!
Are there any social groups or sports groups you could join that would help you to make friends? Or friends of your boyfriend, or his friends' girlfriends?
Try to take one step at a time, not worry about your future. Just focus on your course.