View Full Version : I need help.. im so scared :(

27-01-12, 00:45
Okay, so i cant sleep, i feel so ill, i feel like im dying, when i close my eyes to sleep my heart will suddenly feel funny, i have chest pain and dizzyness too..
Im really worried i have an undetected terminal illness, ive been feeling very unwell for 2 months, spending most of the time on the sofa either sleeping or feeling like im 2 ill to move :(
My throat feels like i have loads of fluid in it and i have to keep swallowing but my mouth is dry..
Im tired but im scared my time is near, what if it is? And i dont know it.. i have no colour in my cheeks.
Iv recently changed doctors, they want to do full blood test tomorrow, which i am now fasting for, but what if they find something awful and its to late now?
2 months ive felt like this, and my old doctors never listened to me..
Im really frightened, please msg me.
Im only 23, is it possible for me to have a terminal illness at my age?
Please help :'(

27-01-12, 01:01
I had all these symptoms when I was your age and unless you have been diagnosed with a specific illness already, then chances are these are all anxiety-related symptoms. There could be other reasons for your condition such as diet and lifestyle but I'm not in position to speculate. It's always nerve-wracking waiting for the results of blood tests but try not to get yourself too worked up because you already feel lousy enough don't you?
Wishing you the very best of luck.

27-01-12, 01:04
hi robinbrum, thank u for ur reply, my worry is that i could have a specific illness but because my doctors have ignored me for 2 months, then i wouldnt have a diagnosis.. would i be feeling that friggin ill by now, where i'd be up the hospital or in alot of pain if it was a terminal illness?
Im sorry to go on, but id just like to add here that i have no pain, just weakness, tiredness and numb like feeling.. please reply :)

27-01-12, 02:29
I'm no medical expert but I've never heard of a serious condition that presents itself in such a way. I felt like you did when I was 23. Nearly 23 years later I am still feeling these symptoms, although they are nowhere near as severe.
Point is, I lived to tell the tale and I'm sure you will too:)